Vaccine Name

Due date

Date Logic


Due date Work Plan

Over Due period

OPV 0 Dose


DoB + 15 Days



DoB + 15 Days



DoB + 1 Year



DoB + 1 Year

Hepatitis B 0


DoB + 1 day



DoB + 1 day

Vit K


DoB + 1 day



DoB + 1 day


DoB + 6 Week

Accept date between 6 weeks form date of Birth to 2 Years


DoB + 6 Week

DoB + 2 Yrs

Pentavalent 1

DoB + 6 Week

Accept date between 6 weeks form date of Birth to 1 Year


DoB + 6 Week

DoB + 1 Yrs


DoB + 6 Week

Accept date between 6 weeks form date of Birth to 1 Year


DoB + 6 Week

DoB + 1 Yrs


DoB + 6 Week

Accept date between 6 weeks form date of Birth to 1 Year


DoB + 6 Week

DoB + 1 Year


OPV1 + 4 Week (age > 6 week)DoB + 10 Week (Age <= 2 Year)

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of OPV 12. Accept date between 10 weeks from Date of Birth up to 2 Years from Date of Birth


DoB+10 Week

DoB + 2 Yrs

Pentavalent 2

Penta 1 + 4 Week (age > 6 week)DoB + 10 Week (Age <= 1 Year)

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of Pentavalent 12. Accept date between 10 weeks from Date of Birth up to 1 Year from Date of Birth

Pentavalent 1

DoB+10 Week

DoB + 1 Year


OPV2 + 4 Week

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of OPV 2.2. Accept date between 14 weeks from Date of Birth up to 2yrs from Date of Birth


DoB+14 Week

DoB + 2 Yrs

Pentavalent 3

Penta 2 + 4 Week

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of Pentavalent 2.2. Accept date between 14 weeks from Date of Birth up to 1 Year from Date of Birth

Pentavalent 2

DoB+14 Week

DoB + 1 Year


ROTA 1 + 4 Week

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of Rota 12. Accept date between 10 weeks from Date of Birth up to 1yrs from Date of Birth


DoB+10 Week

DoB + 1 Year


ROTA 2 + 4 Week

1. Accept date after interval of 4 weeks (28 Days) from date of Rota 22. Accept date between 14 weeks from Date of Birth up to 1yrs from Date of Birth


DoB+14 Week

DoB + 1 Yrs


IPV 1 + 8 Week

Accept date after interval of 8 weeks (56 Days) from date of IPV 1 up to 1 yrs from Date of Birth


DoB+14 Week

DoB + 1 Yrs

OPV Booster – 1

DoB + 16 Month

Accept date between 16 months to 24 months from date of birth maximum up to 2yrs from date of birth


DoB + 16 Month

DoB + 2 Yrs

DPT Booster -1

DoB + 16 Month

Accept date between 16 months to 24 months from date of birth maximum up to 7yrs from date of birth


DoB + 16 Month

DoB + 7 Yrs

DPT Booster – 2

Dob + 5 Years

Accept date between 5yrs to 7yrs from date of birth


Dob + 5 Years

DoB + 7 Yrs

Measles – 1

DoB + 9 Month

Accept date between completed 9 months from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth


DoB + 9 Month

DoB + 5 Yrs

Measles – 2

DoB + 16 Months

Accept date between 16 months to 24 months from Date of Birth maximum up to 5yrs from Date of Birth


DoB + 16 Months

DoB + 5 Yrs

JE Vaccine – 1

DoB + 9 Months

Accept date between completed 9 months from date of birth maximum up to 1yr from date of birth


DoB + 9 Months

DoB + 1 Yrs

JE Vaccine – 2

DoB + 16 Months

Accept date between 16 months to 24 months from Date of Birth maximum up to 5yrs from Date of Birth


DoB + 16 Months

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 1

DoB + 9 Months

Accept date between completed 9 months from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth


DoB + 9 Months

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 2

Vitamin A1 + 9 Months

1. Accept date between 16 months from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 9 months from date of VITAMIN A-1

Vitamin A1

DoB + 16 Month

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 3

Vitamin A2 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 2 Yrs from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-2

Vitamin A2

DoB + 2 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 4

Vitamin A3 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 2 Yrs and 6 Month from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-3

Vitamin A3

DoB + 2.5 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 5

Vitamin A4 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 3 Yrs from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-4

Vitamin A4

DoB + 3 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 6

Vitamin A5 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 3 Yrs and 6 months from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-5

Vitamin A5

DoB + 3.5 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 7

Vitamin A6 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 4 Yrs from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-6

Vitamin A6

DoB + 4 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 8

Vitamin A7 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 4 Yrs and 6 Month from date of birth maximum up to 5yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-7

Vitamin A7

DoB + 4.5 Yrs

DoB + 5 Yrs

Vitamin A – 9

Vitamin A8 + 6 Months

1. Accept date between 5 Yrs from date of birth maximum up to 7yrs from date of birth2. Accept date after interval of 6 months from date of VITAMIN A-8

Vitamin A8

DoB + 5 Yrs

DoB + 7 Yrs

Immunization schedule for Pregnant Woman

S. No.


Minimum period as per NIS

Max. period for' Due' Work plan

Period for 'Over Due' work plan


Early in pregnancy

Up to 36 weeks of pregnancy

Not to be given after 36 weeks of Pregnancy


4 weeks after Td-1

4 weeks after Td-1

Not to be given after 36 weeks of Pregnancy

Td- Booster**

Early in pregnancy

Up to 36 weeks of pregnancy

Not to be given after 36 weeks of Pregnancy

Td 10*

10 years

10 years

Not to be given after the age of 16 years

Td 16*

16 years

16 years

Not to be given after the age of 16 years

Tab. Folic Acid (FA)*

Within 12 weeks of pregnancy

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy

Not to be given after 12 weeks of Pregnancy

Tab. Iron Folic Acid (IFA)

From 12 weeks of pregnancy onwards

Up to expected date of delivery (EDD)

Tab. Iron Folic Acid (IFA)

After the date of delivery

Up to 42 days of delivery

Not to be given after 42 days of delivery

*If a pregnant woman has already been immunized with two doses of Inj. Tetanus-Diphtheria during her previous pregnancy (within the past three years), then only one dose of Inj. Td (as Booster dose) is required as early as possible during her current pregnancy.

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