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Date of


Description of Change

Reason for




Approved By



Release Notes for 2.7.6 release



Balamurugan Kariyaraj

Release Description


 Releasing below mentioned 22 points from HWC,TM,MMU and ECD modules 

Fixed Points:

Sr.No.JIRA IDDev Comments

Implemented the addition of "Revisit & Refer" section for the visit category "General OPD (QC)"  in doctor screen in HWC

2AMM-754Implemented the addition of "Revisit & Refer" section for the visit category "General OPD (QC)"  in doctor screen in TM
3AMM-759Implemented the addition of "Revisit & Refer" section for the visit category "General OPD (QC)"  in doctor screen in MMU
4AMM-691API:Implemented the addition of "Revisit & Refer" section for the visit category "General OPD (QC)"  in doctor screen In TM/HWC/MMU
5AMM-603Implemented the feature for patching height in patient revisit cases. The height will auto patch in revisit case according to the value given in the previous visit  in TM/mmu/hwc.
6AMM-711Implemented the feature for patching height in patient revisit cases. The height will auto patch in revisit case according to the value given in the previous visit in hwc.
7AMM-712Implemented the feature for patching height in patient revisit cases. The height will auto patch in revisit case according to the value given in the previous visit in tm
8AMM-713Implemented the feature for patching height in patient revisit cases. The height will auto patch in revisit case according to the value given in the previous visit in mmu.
9AMM-683Added proper search filter and condition for the word “revisit” in nurse worklist component in tm
10AMM-684Added proper search filter and condition for the word “revisit” in nurse worklist component in mmu
11AMM-772Added condition for hiding Covid Vaccination Status section from nurse and doctor screen in tm
12AMM-773Added condition for hiding Covid Vaccination Status section from nurse and doctor screen in mmu
13AMM-660Added condition for hiding Covid Vaccination Status section from nurse and doctor screen in mmu
14AMM-766Handled logic in procedure to remove Mother&Child duplicate records showing in ECD Worklist
15AMM-868Added the switch case for "frequency" to handle "timetoconsume" in common api sms template
16AMM-631Implemented the functionality for opening casesheet case sheet as a PDF in a new tab while clicking 'View Casesheet Case sheet 'button in Quality Audit & Re-audit Screen.
17AMM-352Added "place of delivery" and "mode of delivery" headers in delivery status report method in ECD and created constants for duplicated headers
18AMM-353Added "reason of incident" and "period of occurenceoccurrence" as headers in still birth report and created constants for duplicated headers in ECD
19AMM-355Added "causes of msicarriagemiscarriage" and "period of occurenceoccurrence" as headers in miscarriage report and created constants for duplicated headers in ECD
20AMM-347Added "reason of incident" and "period of occurence"as occurrences headers in still abortion report and created constants for duplicated headers in ECD
21AMM-694Implemented the changes for adding extra headers in ECD reports(Cumulative, call unique, call details, call summary)

Resolved the issue by changing the code to optimize number of DB calls.

View file
nameWorksheet in Release Notes_2.7.6.xlsx

           Limitations/Known Bugs



Pre-Requisite: To be deployed on top of “2.3.3” release.


Agent Software Stack:

-          Chrome Browser

-          XLite Softphone

-          Java JDK-17

-          Swymed

Hardware Server Stack:

-          Windows Server 2016


Software Server Stack:

-          Java JDK v1.8_151+17

-          Node js

-          Wildfly v11.0Finalv30 Final

-          MySQL v5.7

-          OpenKM

-          Redis Server + Cli



Installation Configuration Procedure


       Application Setups

***api-v*.*.war –

1.     Change DB config to point to relevant DB IP and schema in spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://<<DB IP>>:<<DB Port>>/<<schema name>>?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false spring.datasource.username=<<username>>

spring.datasource.password=<<password>> spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

2.     Change OpenKM config with the IP address and URL paths for below variables

km-base-url=http://<<KM IP >>:<<KM Port>>/OpenKM km-base-path=<<KM base URL>>:<<KM Port>>/OpenKM km-base-protocol=<<http/https>>

km-username=<<admin username>> km-passw ord=<<admin password>>

km-root-path=<<base path in Open KM w here files to be uploaded>> km-guest-user=<<guest username>>

km-guest-passw ord=<<guest password>>

3.     Telephony configurations

cti-server-ip=<<telephony IP address>>

cti-logger_base_url=<<logger base path url for telephony server to get voice recorder files>>

4.     Identity API configurations

identity-api-url = http://<<Identity API server IP>>:<<port>>/identity-0.0.1/

5.     Common API configuration

common-url=http://<<Common API server IP>>:<<port>>/commonapi-v1.0

***ui-v*.*.war –

Replace below contents in main*.js file in package

1.      Replace all with <<URL of the application>>

2.      Replace all with <<URL of the Telephony application>>

DB installation :                                                                                                                              

                     Should be executed in MySQL DB

       Open KM –



Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents


Release Document




Prepared by/ Date:


E-mail ID:

 Thumu Gayathri


Approved by/ Date:


E-mail ID:


08 Aug
