After the "Date of Registration" field, provide a editable-text field with Pre-filled Mobile number of HOF for entering the mobile number to capture consent. Display a "Mobile Number Belongs To" dropdown with values, followed by a "Send OTP" button.
Refer to this Jira ticket:
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Use cases:
Successfully OTP verified records, should sync to server and indicate with green colour symbol on beneficiary card as "consent is taken"
Beneficiary records that are not verified with OTP, should not sync to server, should save as draft and indicate with orange colour symbol on beneficiary card to notify "consent is due"
Existing Beneficiary records that are already synced to server, but OTP consent is not verified earlier, should indicate with yellow colour symbol on beneficiary card to notify "record is synced but consent is due"
Beneficiary records should be flag based on the status of consent
In Beneficiary line listing, should have a filter to sort the records based on the status of consent