Business Requirements Document (BRD)
Date | Version Number | Author | Approved By | Document change reference |
12/31/2024 | 1.0 | Shreshtha | Initial draft on following features:
Introduction Anchor _GoBack _GoBack
Document Purpose
About Piramal Swasthya
Background of ASHA Concept
Scope of Work
AMRIT Admin web portal enhancements
Bulk User Registration
FLW App enhancements
Implement Beneficiary Consent process
Beneficiary Consent using OTP approach
Feature: File Upload
Feature: Help Module
ASHA Incentives
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
S. No | Term / Acronym / Abbreviation | Full form/ Definition |
1 | FLW | Frontline Health Workers; i.e. ASHA, ANM and AWW |
2 | ASHA | Accredited Social Health Activist |
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Document Purpose
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The purpose of this document is to outline additional draft enhancements. These enhancements aim to improve user experience and ensure data accuracy.
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About Piramal Swasthya
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Piramal Swasthya Management and Research Institute (PSMRI), an initiative under the aegis of Piramal Foundation. Is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations in India. Piramal Swasthya is contributing with its experience and expertise of building innovative solutions that impact at scale.
Piramal Swasthya is focused on bridging the public healthcare gaps by supplementing and complementing the Government of India's vision to meet Universal Health Coverage. In the primary public healthcare space with a focus on Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health and Non-communicable Diseases. Piramal Swasthya has more than a decade-long experience in operating several healthcare innovations at scale, which are addressing the primary healthcare needs of the most underserved and marginalized populations across India. Piramal Swasthya is operational in 21 States in India through 35 innovative public healthcare delivery programs and has served more than 112 million beneficiaries so far.
One such innovation is AMRIT (Accessible Medical Records via Integrated Technologies) which is a digital health platform developed by Piramal Swasthya that stores electronic health records of beneficiaries for the use of public primary healthcare service delivery and decision-making. The platform enables the connection between beneficiaries, health facilities, and frontline workers in an integrated ecosystem through technology.
Services and features under AMRIT Platform:
HWC Application: A comprehensive application with 12 Service packages.
MMU Application: Offline and Online Application to support operations in outreach programs.
HIHL Application: Helpline CRM to support services like 104, 1097, MCTS and ECD with inbound and outbound facility.
Telemedicine Solution: Video consulting facility.
Smart Phone Applications: Sakhi/ Utprerona Android Mobile App ASHAs.
Point of Care Device: AMRIT is integrated with PoCT devices like Fetosense and Healthcube etc.
ABDM compliant: and AMRIT is integrated with ABDM for ABHA with all three (M1, M2, M3) milestones.
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Background of ASHA Concept
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The Government of India launched National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in 2005 to address the health needs of rural population, especially the vulnerable sections of society. The Sub Centre (SC) is the most peripheral level of contact with the community under the public health infrastructure. This caters to a population norm of 5000, but is effectively serving much larger population at the SC level.
Thus, provision for new band of community based functionaries, named as Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) was made to fill this void. ASHA is the first port of call for any health related demands of the rural population, especially women and children, who find it difficult to access health services.
ASHA is volunteer health activists in the communities, who is creating awareness on health and its social determinants and mobilize the community towards local health planning and increased utilization and accountability of the existing public health services. She is a promoter of good health practices.
ASHA will be entitled for Performance Based Incentives fixed by the NRHM State HQ for prefixed activities only. The performance based incentives required to be given on monthly basis to ASHA.
The role, responsibilities, profile and compensation package for ASHA is given below.
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Scope of Work
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In FLW Android Mobile App, design and development of new features and enhancements specified in this Business requirements document.
Including FLW App dependent backend tasks (related to new APIs, business logic, database).
Tasks related to AMRIT Admin web portal, related enhancements specified in this Business requirements document.
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AMRIT Admin web portal enhancements
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Bulk User Registration
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Admin Module: Bulk User Registration and Validation Notes
General Flow for Bulk User Registration:
- New User Creation:
- Currently the system supports creating single User account at a time,
- Bulk user creation simplifies registration process by create multiple user accounts at a time by uploading details in Excel.
- Bulk User Creation Process:
Download Template: Users must download a predefined Excel template containing all necessary fields and mandatory fields marked with star (
- Fill Template: Users fill the template with the required data. Mandatory fields must be completed with valid input.
- Upload Template: The completed template is uploaded back into the system.
- Validation: System validates each record and:
- Creates users with valid data.
- Logs errors for records with invalid/missing data.
- Feedback:
- Show success count (e.g., "15 out of 20 users created successfully").
- Provide an error log file for failed records with reasons for failure
In addition to the current feature of creating single User account at a time, introducing this feature of creating multiple User accounts by uploading a excel sheet with the user details like mentioned in this below table.
This below table is only for the reference of metadata used for User account creation, values used in the dropdowns, mandatory or non-mandatory fields, and specific data validation for data sanity.
S No | Name of Data Field | Field Type | Value/ Options | Validation/ Logic/ Condition |
| Download Bulk User Template | Button |
| |
| Title | Dropdown | Major, |
| First Name | Text | Any |
| Middle Name | Text | Any |
5. | Last Name | Text | Any |
6. | Gender | Dropdown | Female, |
7. | Contact No. | Numeric |
| |
| Designation | Dropdown |
9. | Emergency Contact No. | Numeric |
| |
10. | Date of Birth | Date | Date Format |
| Age | Numeric | Any |
| Text |
| ||
| Marital Status | Dropdown | Divorced, Married, Not Applicable, Separated, Unmarried, Widow, Widower | |
| Aadhar No. | Numeric | 12-digit number |
| PAN Card No. | Alphanumeric | Any valid PAN format |
| Qualification | Dropdown | Graduate, Post Graduate & Above, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Under Graduate | |
17. | Father's Name | Text | Any |
| Mother's Name | Text | Any |
| Community | Dropdown | General, SC, ST, BC, OBC, OC, Not given |
| Religion | Dropdown | Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhism, Jainism, Other, Parsi, Not Disclosed |
| Current Address | Text | Any |
| Permanent Address | Text | Any |
| Date of Joining | Date | DD/MM/YYYY |
| Upload Template | Button | Upload completed template |
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FLW App enhancements
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About Sakhi App
Sakhi App is a digital job aid tool, specially designed for Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA). ASHAs usually use multiple registers for Household enumeration, family member registration, and health data collection. This leads to challenges of manual errors, loss of data, and data accuracy. In this context, Piramal Swasthya Management and Research Institute has designed and developed a mobile application for ASHA workers to digitalize and reduce the manual work.
It is designed to reduce manual labor, enhance efficiency, and ensure timely and accurate data collection by ASHAs.
All the services that are carried by ASHA in the field are available in the Sakhi Mobile App, including services for RMNCH+A (Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health), this application enhances service delivery and monitoring for Household Enumeration, Antenatal care, Postnatal care, Immunization services, as well as Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) screening and Tuberculosis (TB) screening.
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Sakhi App overview of Comprehensive Modules
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- An icon for accessing the PDF-based user manual must be provided in the Help Module.
- The PDF manual will be pre-uploaded and include detailed guidance on system usage.[FLW-39] Help Module with User Guide and Video Tutorials - Jira
Name of Data Field
Field Type
Field Type
Validation/ Logic/ Condition
User Guide
- Displays a comprehensive user guide covering all key features and functionalities.
Video Tutorial Icon
- Videos must play offline, ensuring accessibility without internet connectivity.
- Mockup
ASHA Incentives1.Incentives for ASHAs: Quarterly Visits under HBYC in Aspirational DistrictsAnchor _Toc187790152 _Toc187790152
- This initiative is part of the Health and Wellness initiative under the Home-Based Young Childcare (HBYC) program.
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To find ABHA Number of beneficiary by search using Mobile Number or Aadhaar Number.
Search may result multiple ABHA Numbers linked to the Mobile Number
Select the Name and proceed to get other details
Proceed to save the ABHA Number of selected beneficiary.
- API: 'v3/profile/account/abha/search'
- This above New V3 API would provide the list of associated ABHA IDs mapped with a particular mobile number.
- API Input: enterer Mobile number in API body which will return list of mapped ABHA numbers.
- API Output: Masked ABHA numbers with personal info i.e. Name and Gender.
- You need to select the ABHA ID by providing the respective index from the list of ABHAs.
- Then there is option to fetch the profile details based on the OTP sent to registered mobile number of the ABHA holder.
- You will get user token once the OTP is verified successfully, and the token can be used to performed further operations.[FLW-153] Find ABHA Number using Mobile Number and Aadhaar Number - Jira
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This below table is only for the reference of metadata used for creating API, since this screen/ form is currently available in the Application.
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To create a comprehensive ASHA Worker Profile management system, enabling the collection and management of personal and family data. This will ensure that all necessary information related to the ASHA workers, their family members, and village details is accurately recorded and synced with the server.
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Enhance the existing dashboard by displaying actionable insights for ABHA Generation and RCH ID Count, allowing users to track progress effectively. Introduce filters in the All Beneficiaries and Pregnant Women (PW) sections for better sorting of records with ABHA and RCH IDs. Additionally, enable export functionality for beneficiaries with ABHA to Excel, ensuring streamlined management and accessibility of data.
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Highlight the beneficiaries (Pregnant Women, Eligible Couples) who have not been visited in the last three months. This helps ASHA workers quickly identify and prioritize these beneficiaries for follow-up, ensuring timely care and interventions.