Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

LMP Date

Calendar Picker


Eligible Couple Registration and Eligible Tracking Section, 

Missed Period Flag



Triggered if the difference between the current date and the LMP date exceeds 35 days.

Missed Period

(Dashboard Indicator)



Included it under "Dashboard" Section

Displays the count of women with missed periods based on the Missed Period Flag from both "Eligible Couple Registeration" and "Eligible Couple Tracting" Section

 Provides a list of flagged women with their Names, LMP dates.


The Disease Control Module is designed to facilitate the identification, tracking, and management of infectious diseases in the village community. This module enhances early detection through a structured approach. It ensures real-time case monitoring, to reduce the disease burden in communities.

  • A new Disease Control Module should be available on the Home Screen.
  • The module should contain submodules for different diseases.
  • Each submodule should include a household line listing.
  • Under the household line listing, there should be a family member line listing.
  • This structure should be consistent across all modules.

This Disease Control module includes following sub-modules for specific diseases, ensuring targeted control measures:


  1. Malaria
  2. Kala Azar
  3. AES/JE (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese Encephalitis)
  4. Indoor Residual Spray (IRS)
  5. Leprosy

Sub-Module : Malaria


This sub-module enables the identification and management of malaria cases at the village community level. It includes household search, auto-populated individual details, malaria case management with symptoms tracking, referral and treatment workflow, and lab test confirmation

  • When selecting a household, a toggle button should be available at the top of the family member listing.
  • When the toggle is ON, a table should appear showing:
    • Date
    • Rounds
    • Submit button
  • Below the table, a history section should display previous IRS rounds in a separate table, including:
    • Serial number
    • Date
    • Number of rounds
  • IRS rounds should be tracked yearly (frequency to be decided).

Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

House Hold No.



Search by household number.

Head of Family Member Name

Free Text

 Text Box



Mobile No.





Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" First Name, Middle Name, Last Name.

Father's Name / Husband Name

Free Text

 Text Box


If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from Spouse Name. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from Father’s Name.


Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"

Mobile No.

Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"

Case Date

Free Text

 Text Box


Auto-populated as Today's Date (Non-editable).



Radio Button


Options: Suspected, Confirmed,


Drop Down


1.Suspected, 2. Confirmed, 3. Not Confirmed, 4. Treatment Given.


First Entry: Only "Suspected" can be selected. 


Second Entry: User can select "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". 


If previous status was "Confirmed", display "Treatment Started".

Push the value of variable Malaria to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra


  Text Box


Fever more than two weeks, Flu-like illness, Shaking chills, Headache, Muscle aches, Tiredness, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea

Malaria Case Count (Variable)

  Text Box


For Lab Test: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique confirmed case in the current month.
For Treatment: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique treatment given in the current month.

Referred To

Drop Down



Primary Health Centre,

Community Health Centre,

District Hospital,

Medical College and Hospital,

Referral Hospital,

Other Private Hospital,




Free Text

 Text Box


Required only if "Referred To" = "Other".

Malaria Case Status Date

Calendar Picker


Auto-populated when status is updated.


Free Text

 Text Box


Optional field for additional notes.

Sub-Module : Kala Azar

The Kala Azar sub-module focuses on early detection, treatment and tracking of Kala Azar cases at the village community level. It ensures accurate case status updates, referral options, treatment initiation, and structured follow-up at different points of the treatment cycle.

Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

House Hold No.



Search by household number.

Head of Family Member Name

Free Text Text Box



Mobile No.




Data FieldField TypeValue/OptionsValidation/Logic/Condition Text Box

Name Text BoxNameLong Text-
Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" (First, Middle, Last Name)
Father's/Husband's NameLong Text- Text Box
"If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from 'Spouse Name'. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from 'Father Name'"
Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
GenderText Text Box-
Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Type of HouseText Text Box-
Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
CasteText- Text Box
Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
Mobile No.Numeric-
Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
ABHA IDNumeric-
Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Date Numeric Display Today's Date and should be non-editable
Kala Azar Case StatusRadio Button 

Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
Single Select Radio Button

First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

Push the value of variable Kala Azar Case to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1

Referred ToDrop Down 

Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and HosptalHospital, Referal Referral Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button

OtherText Box 

If "Referred To" = "Other"

Kala Azar Case Status DateCalendar 


Follow Up PointRadio Button 

If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
Single Select Radio Button

Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected

Follow Up DateCalendar 

If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

StatusRadio Button 

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrance of Symptoms, Other
Single Select Radio Button

OtherText Box 

If "Status" = "Other"

RemarksText Box 

If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

House Hold No.



Search by household number.

Head of Family Member Name

 Text Box



Mobile No.




Is there a "सुअर बाराह" near the house ?Radio ButtonValue/OptionsYes, No
Single Select Radio Button
NameLong Text Text Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" (First, Middle, Last Name)
Father's/Husband's NameLong Text Text Box-"If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from 'Spouse Name'. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from 'Father Name'"
AgeNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Gender Text Text Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Type of House Text Text Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
Caste Text Text Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
Mobile No.Numeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
ABHA IDNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Date Numeric Display Today's Date and should be non-editable
AES / JE  Case StatusRadio Button 

Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
Single Select Radio Button

First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

Push the value of variable AES / JE to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1

Referred ToDrop Down 

Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and Hosptal, Referal Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button

OtherText Box 

If "Referred To" = "Other"

 AES / JE Case Status DateCalendar 


Follow Up PointRadio Button 

If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
Single Select Radio Button

Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected

Follow Up DateCalendar 

If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

StatusRadio Button 

If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrance of Symptoms, Other
Single Select Radio Button

OtherText Box 

If "Status" = "Other"


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

House Hold No.



Search by household number.

On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with Suffuring from Filariasis  option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail" 

Head of Family Member Name

 Text Box


 Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name".

Mobile No.



 Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"

Home Visit Date



Display Today's Date and should be non-editable


Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name". 

Husband's / Father's / Mother's Name

Text Box


If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
If "Gender" = "Male" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 


Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM"

GenderText Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
ABHA IDNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
Suffuring from Filariasis Radio Button




If "suffuring from Filariasis" = "Yes"

Defaul selection should be "No"

Which part of Body  Text Text Box


Display If "suffuring from Filariasis" = "Yes"

Righ Hand, Left Hand, Right Leg, Left Leg, Right Side Breast, Left Side Breast Hydrocele, Other
Single Select Radio Button

If "Gender" = "Male" hide option "Right Side Breast" and "Left Side Breast" and If "Gender" = "Female" hide option "Hydrocele" 

Home Visit Date (MDA Program) Calendar


Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with DEC and Albendazole Dose Status  option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail" 

DEC and Albendazole Dose StatusRadio Button


T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O

T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O
Single Select Radio Button

Display "P" If beneficary is pregnant women or Display "Y" If "Age" less than 2 year and should be non-editable

Push the value of variable Filariasis to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

Define variable Filariasis with default value = 0 and for every unique "T" in the current month Filariasis = Filariasis +1

OtherText Box


If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "O"

Medicine  Side EffectRadio Button


F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None

If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "P" OR "Y" OR "S" 

F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None
Single Select Radio Button

Default selection "None"

Other  Text Text Box


If "Medicine  Side Effect" = "O (Other)"


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

House Hold House Hold No



The user will search using the given parameters in "Search Household"  

Head of Family Member Name

Free Text


Mobile No.

Mobile No


House Hold No



Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "House Number "

On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with Leprosy Status option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail"

Head of Family Member Name

  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name".

Mobile No.



Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"

Total no. of members in the house

  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Total number of members in the house"

Total No. of member screened

  Text Box


Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Screened" for selected House Hold

Total No. of confirmed cases

  Text Box


Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Confirmed" for selected House Hold

Patient Name

  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name". 

Father's Name / Husband Name

  Text Box


If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
If "Gender" = "Male" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 


  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Age"


  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Gender"

Mobile No.

  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" from the data field "Mobile Number"


  Text Box


Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "ABHA No."

Date of Home visit

  Text Box


Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

Leprosy status

  Text Box


Screened, Denied, Not Screened, Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed
Single Select Radio Button

Default selected value should be "Not Screened" and Allow user to select "Suspected" or "Screened" or "Denied" only if the previous status is "Not Screened".
Allow user to select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed" only if previous status is "Suspected".   

Push the value of variable Leprosy to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

Define variable "Leprosy" with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Leprosy = Leprosy +1 (For Treatment)

Referred To

  Text Box


If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Suspected"

Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Medical College and hospital, Referal Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Other
Single Select Radio Button


  Text Box


If "Referred To" = "Other"

Leprosy status Date



Autopopulate current date,
But it must be editable until verified

Type of Leprocy

  Text Box


If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Confirmed"

Single Select Radio Button

Prepare a To-Do list. If "Type of Leprocy"="PB" then display the name of benefitiary in the To-Do list for follow up by ASHA till 6 months and in case of MB till 12 months.

Follow up date



Developer Instruction: Allow user to enter the "Follow Up" multiple times and only when the "Leprosy status" is "Confirmed"








Recurrance of Symptoms,

Regularly taking medicine,

Not regularly taking medicine,

Treatment completed ,


If "status" = "Not regularly taking medicine" display "Advice the patient to take medicine regularly for recovery"

Push the value of variable PB and MB to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

Define variable "PB" and "MB" with default value = 0 and for every cured case in the current month
If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprocy" = "PB" then PB = PB + 1
If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprocy" = "MB" then MB = MB + 1


  Text Box

