Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Version Number


Reviewed by

Approved by

Document change reference




Madhava Ramu

Initial draft for AMRIT Admin web portal enhancements:

  1. Bulk User registration feature




Madhava Ramu

Initial draft for FLW App enhancements on following features:

  1. Beneficiary consent process
  2. Find ABHA
  3. Micro Birth Plan form metadata
  4. ASHA Incentive Claim form
  5. File Upload feature
  6. Help module







Madhava Ramu

Initial draft for FLW App enhancements on following features:

  1. ASHA Profile
  2. Identify and track missed period cases
  3. ASHA's Non-Follow-Up cases
  4. Dashboard KPIs for ABHA and RCH Tracking
  5. Disease control module 

Table of Contents

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations


Admin Module: Bulk User accounts registration and validation notes

  1. Bulk User Creation Process:
    • Download Template: Admin must download a predefined Excel sheet template containing all necessary metadata fields including optional and mandatory fields marked with star ((red star)).

    • Fill Template: Admin should fill the excel sheet template with the necessary Users' details including optional and mandatory fields. Mandatory fields must be completed with valid data.
    • Upload Template: The filled excel sheet template is imported using upload function.
    • Validation: System should validate each record as follows:
      • Create User accounts for valid data.
      • Reject creating accounts for invalid data
      • Provide a log report with reason for each record, like invalid/missing data.
    • Feedback:
      • Show success message with count (e.g., "15 out of 20 users created successfully").
      • Provide an error log file for failed records with reasons for failure


Refer to this Jira ticket: 


In addition to the current feature of creating single User account at a time, introducing this feature of creating multiple User accounts by uploading a excel sheet with the user details like mentioned in this below table.


S No

Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition


Download Bulk User Template


  • Allow user to download a predefined Excel template
  • The structure for the Excel template has two tabs
  • Tab 1: Bulk User Details

    This tab contains the field names listed horizontally as provided in below fields. It serves as the main data entry section, where users will fill out the required information based on the guidelines provided in "Tab 2: Help" Sheet
  • Tab 2: Help

    This tab provides additional guidance, dropdown options, and validation logic for each field in "Tab 1: Bulk User Details". It ensures users understand how to fill out the template correctly and the possible values for each field.





Existing Master Values

  • Mandatory
  • Must match one of
  • Mandatory
  • Must match one of
  • the predefined dropdown options.


First Name



  • Mandatory
  • Alphabetic characters only; Max length: 50;
  • No special characters or numbers are allowed.


Middle Name



  • Optional
  • Alphabetic characters only; Max length: 50;
  • No special characters or numbers are allowed.


Last Name



  • Mandatory
  • Alphabetic characters only; Max length: 50
  • No special characters or numbers are allowed.





  • Mandatory


Contact No.


  • Mandatory
  • Must be exactly 10 digits;
  • 10-digit number starting with 6,7, 8, 9 only
  • Numeric only.




  • Administrator
  • ASHA Counsellor
  • Dean
  • Medical College
  • Director
  • Medical & Health Department
  • Doctor
  • Driver
  • Existing Master Data
  • Mandatory


Emergency Contact No.


  • Mandatory
  • Must be exactly 10 digits;
  • 10-digit number starting with 6,7, 8, 9 only
  • Numeric only.


Date of Birth


Date Format

  • Mandatory
  • Must follow the format DD/MM/YYYY;
  • Invalid format will be rejected.





  • Mandatory
  • Must be exactly 2 digits;
  • Numeric only




  • Mandatory
  • Must be in a valid email format (e.g.,


Marital Status


Divorced, Married, Not Applicable, Separated, Unmarried, Widow, Widower


Aadhar No.


12-digit number

  • Must be exactly 12 digits
  • Allow Numeric values only.


PAN Card No.


Any valid PAN format

  • Must follow valid PAN card format (e.g., ABCDE1234F).
  • Allow Alphanumeric Values only.




Graduate, Post Graduate & Above, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Under Graduate


Father's Name



  • Alphabetic characters only; Max length: 50
  • No special characters or numbers.


Mother's Name



  • Alphabetic characters only
  • Max length: 50,
  • No special characters or numbers.




General, SC, ST, BC, OBC, OC, Not given

  • Must match one of the predefined dropdown options.




Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhism, Jainism, Other, Parsi, Not Disclosed

  • Must match one of the predefined dropdown options.


Current Address



  • Mandatory
  • Must include Address Line 1, State, District, and Pin-code; Pin-code must be numeric and 6 digits.


Permanent Address



  • Optional;
  • Must include Address Line 1, State, District, and Pin-code; Pin-code must be numeric and 6 digits.


Date of Joining



  • Mandatory
  • Must follow the format DD/MM/YYYY; Invalid format will be rejected.


Upload Template


Upload completed template

  • The filled excel sheet template should be allowed to import
  • Display Processing bar
  • The system must validate each record
  • Show success count (e.g., "15 out of 20 users created successfully")
  • Provide a log report with reason for every failed records (like invalid name, mobile no, email, State, district, etc)


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

Mobile Number

(for taking consent using OTP)

TextboxText Box

  • Mandatory
  • After entering the Mobile number in the textbox, enable the "Send OTP" button
  • By default, show Mobile Number of Head of Family
  • Should allow to edit Mobile Number
  • Must be exactly 10 digits;
  • 10-digit number starting with 6,7, 8, 9 only
  • Allow only Numbers

Whose Mobile Number

Dropdown Values

  • Family Head
  • Self
  • Spouse
  • Mother
  • Father
  • NeighbourNeighbor
  • Friend/Relative
  • Mandatory
  • By default, show Family Head

Send OTP


  • This Button should be in green on right corner below Mobile Number.
  • It should initiate a request to generate OTP & send OTP via SMS to the above mentioned mobile number
  • In case of failed attempts, enable "Resend" OTP button

Resend OTP


  • Regenerate OTP and send to the mobile number

OTP Verification


A) Online Mode
1. Head of Family Member Registration:

  • After entering the "Mobile number (for taking Consent using OTP)," Enable "Whose Mobile Number" Field followed by the "Send OTP" button in green on right corner 

    2. Household Member Registration:
  • After entering the "Mobile number (for taking Consent using OTP)," Enable "Whose Mobile Number" Field followed by the "Send OTP" button in green on right corner 

    4.OTP Verification Details
  • Allowed OTP: Numerical codes only, 4 digits long.
  • Verification Process:
  • Verify OTP against the generated code.
  • Set a 15-minute time limit for OTP entry.
  • Valid OTP within timeframe: Display "OTP Verified successfully."
  • Invalid OTP or timeout:
  • Display "Session Expired"
  • ASHA needs to request a new OTP in subsequent visits.
  • Not validated from server: Keep in draft mode

    5.Enable Mode (During Internet Availability)
  • Display a green "Send OTP" button.
  • If no OTP is received, allow editing of the mobile number and resending the OTP.

    C) Offline Mode
    1.New Registration:
  • Should ignore this 'OTP verification' and save the record as draft

  • 2.Household registration Submission
  • Do not sync or generate an ID until the Head of Family's consent is verified.

    D)OTP Verification Status Indicators

    1. Verification Pending:

      • Icon: "Orange icon" (X)
      • Placement: On the Patient Line listing, beside the Gender icon.
    2. Verification Not Done for Existing Records:

      • Icon: "Yellow icon" (⚠)
      • Placement: In the right corner of the Patient Line listing.
      • Note: ASHA can recognize this and add the consent for older records.
    3. Verification Done:

      • Icon: "Green icon" (✔)
      • Includes text: Verified.

    Additional Features

    • Auto-Submit: Automatically submit once all OTP digits are entered.
    • Auto-Close: Close the card after an OTP verification attempt (successful or unsuccessful).

3.5 ASHA Incentives

1.Incentives for ASHAs: Quarterly Visits under HBYC in Aspirational Districts

  • This initiative is part of the Health and Wellness initiative under the Home-Based Young Childcare (HBYC) program.

ASHA will get an incentive of ₹250 per child if the following conditions are met (see BRD section 3.5.11- Font in Orange)

  • The district selected must be an aspirational district.
  • The ASHA worker must have submitted the HBYC forms for the 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15-month milestones.


To find ABHA Number of beneficiary by search using Mobile Number or Aadhaar Number.
Search may result multiple ABHA Numbers linked to the Mobile Number
Select the Name and proceed to get other details
Proceed to save the ABHA Number of selected beneficiary.

There should be one Radio Button with below options:
1. Search ABHA
2. Create ABHA

Steps to Find ABHA number using Mobile number

  1. API: 'v3/profile/account/abha/search'
  2. This above New V3 API would provide the list of associated ABHA IDs mapped with a particular mobile number.
  3. API Input: enterer Mobile number in API body which will return list of mapped ABHA numbers.
  4. API Output: Masked ABHA numbers with personal info i.e. Name and Gender.
  5. You need to select the ABHA ID by providing the respective index from the list of ABHAs.
  6. Then there is option to fetch the profile details based on the OTP sent to registered mobile number of the ABHA holder.
  7. You will get user token once the OTP is verified successfully, and the token can be used to performed further operations. [FLW-153] Find ABHA Number using Mobile Number and Aadhaar Number - Jira


This below table is only for the reference of metadata used for creating API, since this screen/ form is currently available in the Application.

Refer to these Jira tickets:




Name of Data Field


Field Type


Field Type


Validation/ Logic/ Condition


Name of the PW








Contact No. 1

Contact No. 2


Text Box


  • Contact No. 1: This number should Auto-fill
  • Contact No. 2: This should be free text and
  •  Non-Mandatory;
  • Accept numeric (integer) value only
  • Accept 10 digits only
  • Should not start form zero
  • Should start with digit 6, 7, 8 or 9

Should Not accept all same digits




Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps




Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps


Husband’s Name




Nearest SC/HWC


Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps


Nearest 24*7 PHC


Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps


Nearest FRU


Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps


Nearest USG centre


Text Box


  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letters should be in caps


Blood Group





  • A +ve 
  • B +ve 
  • AB +ve
  • O +ve
  • A -ve
  • B -ve
  • AB -ve
  • O -ve


Auto Fill if available


Select form Spinner


Blood donors identified


Text Box




  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

All letter should be in caps


Birth Companion


Text Box




  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

All letter should be in caps


Person who will take

care of Children, 

if any when the PW

 is admitted for delivery


Text Box




  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

All letter should be in caps


Name and Contact number

of VHSND/Community

member for support

during emergency


Text Box




  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps


Mode of transportation in

case of labor Pain


Text Box




  • Accept Alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

All letter should be in caps








Once submitted, change the Color of

button “Micro Birth Plan” to

Orange on the Card



To create a comprehensive ASHA Worker Profile management system, enabling the collection and management of personal and family data. This will ensure that all necessary information related to the ASHA workers, their family members, and village details is accurately recorded and synced with the server.

Hamburger Menu Update

  • A new Button called ASHA Profile will be added in the hamburger menu.
  • When the user clicks on the ASHA Profile menu item, they will be redirected to the ASHA Profile Screen.

ASHA Profile

The ASHA Profile Screen will display the following details about the ASHA worker:

  • Name of the ASHA worker
  • Village the ASHA worker belongs to
  • Employee ID (assigned to the ASHA worker)
  • Contact Information (mobile number, alternate mobile number)
  • Family Details (e.g., husband's name, number of children, spouse information)
  • Bank Details (e.g. Bank account, IFSC)
  • Name & Contact Information (e.g. CHO, ANM, AWW)


Edit Profile Option:
A Edit Profile will be available on the profile screen. Clicking this will redirect the user to the Edit Profile Screen.

ASHAs are entitled for performance based incentives fixed by the NRHM State HQ for prefixed activities only. The performance based incentives required to be given on monthly basis to ASHA.

Incentive Claim Form should be calculated on monthly basis, that is claim Form should be generated for every month
At any point of time should be able to generate claim Form for selected month
Should the maintain the status of claimed activity and un claimed activity for every beneficiaries
Since some of the activities start and end up after 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 2 Years, 5 years, so we need to track this activities when it is ended, based on the end date of activity that activity amount can be claimed in that month.

Automate the ASHA incentives claim form

In the FLW App, the primary objective is to generate incentives claim form for the activities completed by the ASHA in that particular month. This will help ASHA to reduce her manual work of filling her incentives claim form.

For calculating the incentives of several activities refer to this document BRD for FLW Mobile App, under section of system validation table under the 'validation section' mentioned as "Incentives Logic". 

This entire incentives logic should be calculated in the backend business model and on hitting the "Create Incentives" button generate the incentives claim form in the PDF format.

Some of the sample activities related to incentives are below:

1.Incentives for ASHAs: Quarterly Visits under HBYC in Aspirational Districts

  • This initiative is part of the Health and Wellness initiative under the Home-Based Young Childcare (HBYC) program.

ASHA will get an incentive of ₹250 per child if the following conditions are met (see BRD section 3.5.11- Font in Orange)

  • The district selected must be an aspirational district.
  • The ASHA worker must have submitted the HBYC forms for the 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15-month milestones.

2.Incentive to ASHA for follow up of SNCU discharge babies and for follow up of LBW babies 

Add ASHA Incentive of ₹200 per case for following up on SNCU discharge babies. (see BRD section 3.5.10- Font in Orange)

  • New Fields to Capture Discharge Details

    • Field: “Baby Discharged from SNCU” → Options: Yes/No
    • If Yes is selected, add:
      • Field: “Date of Discharge” (Mandatory)

3.Incentive for National Deworming Day for mobilising out of school children

Add ASHA Incentive for National Deworming Day for mobilizing out of school children Rs.100 per ASHA Per round FMR Code(see below, under Disease Control Module :Sub Module: Deworming- Font in Orange)

Link to ASHA Incentives Claim Form :  ASHA Incentives.xlsx

3.6 Find ABHA

To find ABHA Number of beneficiary by search using Mobile Number
Search may result multiple ABHA Numbers linked to the Mobile Number
Select the Name and proceed to get other details
Proceed to save the ABHA Number of selected beneficiary.

There should be one Radio Button with below options:
1. Search ABHA
2. Create ABHA

Steps to Find ABHA number using Mobile number

  1. API: 'v3/profile/account/abha/search'
  2. This above New V3 API would provide the list of associated ABHA IDs mapped with a particular mobile number.
  3. API Input: enterer Mobile number in API body which will return list of mapped ABHA numbers.
  4. API Output: Masked ABHA numbers with personal info i.e. Name and Gender.
  5. You need to select the ABHA ID by providing the respective index from the list of ABHAs.
  6. Then there is option to fetch the profile details based on the OTP sent to registered mobile number of the ABHA holder.
  7. You will get user token once the OTP is verified successfully, and the token can be used to performed further operations.

Refer to this Jira ticker:


3.7 Implement API for Micro Birth Plan Data Integration

This below table is only for the reference of metadata used for creating API, since this screen/ form is currently available in the Application.

Refer to these Jira tickets:



Name of Data Field

Field Type

Field Type

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

Name of the PW

Text Box



Text Box


Contact No. 1

Contact No. 2

Text Box

  • Contact No. 1: This number should Auto-fill
  • Contact No. 2: This should be free text and
  •  Non-Mandatory;
  • Accept numeric (integer) value only
  • Accept 10 digits only
  • Should not start form zero
  • Should start with digit 6, 7, 8 or 9
  • Should Not accept all same digits


Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100


Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

Husband’s Name


Nearest SC/HWC

Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

Nearest 24*7 PHC

Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

Nearest FRU

Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

Nearest USG centre

Text Box

  • Accept alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

Blood Group



  • A +ve 
  • B +ve 
  • AB +ve
  • O +ve
  • A -ve
  • B -ve
  • AB -ve
  • O -ve

Auto Fill if available


Select form Spinner

Blood donors identified

Text Box


  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

Birth Companion

Text Box


  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

Person who will take

care of Children, 

if any when the PW

 is admitted for delivery

Text Box


  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 50

Name and Contact number

of VHSND/Community

member for support

during emergency

Text Box


  • Accept alphabets only
  • Character limit 100

Mode of transportation in

case of labor Pain

Text Box


  • Accept Alpha-numeric values
  • Character limit 100

3.8 ASHA's Profile


To create a comprehensive ASHA Worker Profile management system, enabling the collection and management of personal and family data. This will ensure that all necessary information related to the ASHA workers, their family members, and village details is accurately recorded and synced with the server.

Hamburger Menu Update

  • A new Button called ASHA Profile will be added in the hamburger menu.
  • When the user clicks on the ASHA Profile menu item, they will be redirected to the ASHA Profile Screen.

ASHA Profile

  • The ASHA Profile Screen will display the following details about the ASHA worker:

    • Name of the ASHA worker
    • Village the ASHA worker belongs to
    • Employee ID (assigned to the ASHA worker)
    • Contact Information (mobile number, alternate mobile number)
    • Family Details (e.g., husband's name, number of children, spouse information)
    • Bank Details (e.g. Bank account, IFSC)
    • Name & Contact Information (e.g. CHO, ANM, AWW)

  • Edit Profile Option:
    A Edit Profile will be available on the profile screen. Clicking this will redirect the user to the Edit Profile Screen.

Edit ASHA Profile

  • The Edit ASHA Profile Screen will allow the ASHA worker to modify their details. The fields available for editing will include:

    • Name
    • Village
    • Employee ID
    • Husband's Name
    • Number of Children
    • Spouse Information
    • Bank Details
    • Name & Contact Information
  • Save Changes:
    A Save button will be available to save any changes made to the profile. Once the save action is triggered, the updated information should be stored and displayed on the View Profile screen.

  • Allow add, edit and view of the ASHA’s photo in the placeholder. 

Refer to this Jira ticket:



Image Added

This below table is for the reference of data fields used in this screen/ form and metadata used for creating API.

Name of Data Field

Field Type

Field Type

Validation/ Logic/ Condition


Text Box



Text Box


Login Username

Text Box



Text Box
  • Accept Alphanumeric characters only
  • Max character limit is 12 


Text Box



Text Box

Auto-calculated from Date of Birth.

Mobile Number 

Text Box


Alternate Mobile Number

Text Box
  • This should be free text and
  •  Non-Mandatory;
  • Accept numeric (integer) value only
  • Accept 10 digits only
  • Should not start form zero
  • Should start with digit 6, 7, 8 or 9
  • Should Not accept all same digits

Father/Spouse Name

Radio Button
Choose between Father or Spouse (Radio buttons for selecting either).

Date of joining

Text Box

Bank Account

Text Box
Accepts only numeric values (integer). Length should be between 9-18 digits depending on bank. No special characters allowed.


Text Box


Alphanumeric characters (typically 11 characters); Format: 4 letters followed by 7 digits (e.g., ABCD1234567). No special characters or spaces allowed.

Population Covered under ASHA

Text Box

Accepts only numeric values. Should be a positive integer.

Max Character Limit is 4 digit 

ASHA Supervisor Name

Text Box

Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only

ASHA Supervisor Contact No.

Text Box

Accept numeric (integer) value only; Accepts 10 digits only; Should start with 6, 7, 8, or 9; Cannot start with 0; Should not accept all same digits

CHO Name

Text Box

Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.

Mobile No. of CHO

Text Box
Accept numeric (integer) value only; Accepts 10 digits only; Should start with 6, 7, 8, or 9; Cannot start with 0; Should not accept all same digits.

Name of AWW

Text Box

Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.

Mobile No. AWW

Text Box
Accept numeric (integer) value only; Accepts 10 digits only; Should start with 6, 7, 8, or 9; Cannot start with 0; Should not accept all same digits

Name of ANM1

Text Box

Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.

Mobile number of ANM1

Text Box
Accept numeric (integer) value only; Accepts 10 digits only; Should start with 6, 7, 8, or 9; Cannot start with 0; Should not accept all same digits.

Name of ANM2

Text Box

Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.

Mobile number of ANM2

Text Box
Accept numeric (integer) value only; Accepts 10 digits only; Should start with 6, 7, 8, or 9; Cannot start with 0; Should not accept all same digits.

ABHA number

Text Box
Accept a 14-digit alphanumeric value only.

ASHA Household Registration

Text Box
Alphanumeric characters. Should follow a specific format if defined for the household registration number.

ASHA Family Member

Text Box
Accepts alphabetic characters, numeric, and spaces. Should list the names and relationships of family members 


Save any changes made to the profile


3.9 Dashboard KPIs for ABHA and RCH Tracking


As part of enhancing the existing dashboard, introducing new Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) by displaying actionable insights for ABHA Generation and RCH ID Count, allowing users to track progress effectively. Introduce filters in the All Beneficiaries and Pregnant Women (PW) sections for better sorting of records with ABHA and RCH IDs. Additionally, enable export functionality for beneficiaries with ABHA to Excel, ensuring streamlined management and accessibility of data.

Enhance the dashboard and beneficiary management features by:

  1. Displaying ABHA Generated Count and RCH ID Count as icons on the dashboard, with line listings for detailed insights.
  2. Adding filters in the All Beneficiaries and Pregnant Women (PW) sections to sort beneficiaries with ABHA and RCH IDs.
  3. Providing the ability to export ABHA beneficiary lists to Excel for easy sharing and analysis.

Refer to this Jira ticket:


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Field Type

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

ABHA Generation Icon



  • Include it under "Dashboard" Section
  • Displays the total number of ABHA numbers generated.
  • On Click: Opens a detailed patient line listing of those with generated ABHA numbers.
    Actionable Feature: From the line listing of ABHA and EXPORT




  • Include it under "Dashboard" Section
  • Displays the total count of beneficiaries with RCH IDs
    On Click: Opens a line listing of beneficiaries with RCH IDs.

Pregnant Women Line Listing



  • Include it under "Pregnant Women Section, Infant List & Child List Section", 
  • Add a filter to sort beneficiaries by those with RCH IDs
  • Filter dynamically updates the displayed list.

Beneficiary Line Listing Filter



  • Include it under "All Beneficiary Section"
  • Add a filter to sort beneficiaries by those with and without ABHA numbers 
    Filter dynamically updates the displayed list.
  • clicking on a patient navigates to the respective Patient Form to complete ABHA generation for pending cases

Export ABHA



  • Include it under "All Beneficiary Section"
  • Add a button to export the list of beneficiaries with ABHA numbers.
  • Exported file should be in Excel format and include columns like Serial No., Beneficiary Name, ABHA Number, and Mobile Number.

3.10 ASHA's Non-Follow-Up cases

Highlight the beneficiaries (Pregnant Women, Eligible Couples) who have not been visited in the last three months. This helps ASHA workers quickly identify and prioritize these beneficiaries for follow-up, ensuring timely care and interventions.

Action Plan for the Flagging Feature:

  1. Dashboard Changes

    • Add an indicator labeled "No Visit in Last 3 Months" under relevant sections (ANC, PNC, EC).
    • Clicking the indicator will navigate to a line listing of flagged beneficiaries.
  2. Filter Implementation

    • Use last visit date and compare it with the current date.
    • Include records only from the current year to avoid old entries.
  3. Logic for Flagging

    • If the gap between the last visit date and the current date is greater than three months, flag the beneficiary.
    • Ensure the system considers only valid and current records to avoid redundant flags.

Refer to this Jira ticket:


Edit ASHA Profile

  • The Edit ASHA Profile Screen will allow the ASHA worker to modify their details. The fields available for editing will include:

    • Name
    • Village
    • Employee ID
    • Husband's Name
    • Number of Children
    • Spouse Information
    • Bank Details
    • Name & Contact Information
  • Save Changes:
    A Save button will be available to save any changes made to the profile. Once the save action is triggered, the updated information should be stored and displayed on the View Profile screen.

  • Allow uploading and displaying of the ASHA worker’s photo in the placeholder. FLW-175 - ASHA Worker Profile Management System 


Image Removed

This below table is for the reference of data fields used in this screen/ form and metadata used for creating API.


Name of Data Field


Field Type


Field Type


Validation/ Logic/ Condition










User ID










Auto-calculated from Date of Birth.


Mobile Number 




Alternate Mobile Number


  • This should be free text and
  •  Non-Mandatory;
  • Accept numeric (integer) value only
  • Accept 10 digits only
  • Should not start form zero
  • Should start with digit 6, 7, 8 or 9

Should Not accept all same digits


Father/Spouse Name


Date of joining


Bank Account





Alphanumeric characters (typically 11 characters); Format: 4 letters followed by 7 digits (e.g., ABCD1234567). No special characters or spaces allowed.


Population Covered under ASHA



Accepts only numeric values. Should be a positive integer.


CHO Name



Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.


Mobile no. of CHO


Name of AWW



Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.


Mobile no. AWW


Name of ANM1



Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.


Mobile number of ANM1


Name of ANM2



Accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only.


Mobile number of ANM2


ABHA number


ASHA Household Registration


ASHA Family Member





As part of enhancing the existing dashboard, introducing new Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) by displaying actionable insights for ABHA Generation and RCH ID Count, allowing users to track progress effectively. Introduce filters in the All Beneficiaries and Pregnant Women (PW) sections for better sorting of records with ABHA and RCH IDs. Additionally, enable export functionality for beneficiaries with ABHA to Excel, ensuring streamlined management and accessibility of data.

Enhance the dashboard and beneficiary management features by:


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Field Type

Validation/ Logic/ Condition

ABHA Generation Icon



  • Include it under "Dashboard" Section
  • Displays the total number of ABHA numbers generated.
  • On Click: Opens a detailed patient line listing of those with generated ABHA numbers.
    Actionable Feature: From the line listing of ABHA and EXPORT




  • Include it under "Dashboard" Section
  • Displays the total count of beneficiaries with RCH IDs
    On Click: Opens a line listing of beneficiaries with RCH IDs.

Pregnant Women Line Listing



  • Include it under "Pregnant Women Section, Infant List & Child List Section", 
  • Add a filter to sort beneficiaries by those with RCH IDs
  • Filter dynamically updates the displayed list.

Beneficiary Line Listing Filter



  • Include it under "All Beneficiary Section"
  • Add a filter to sort beneficiaries by those with and without ABHA numbers 
    Filter dynamically updates the displayed list.
  • clicking on a patient navigates to the respective Patient Form to complete ABHA generation for pending cases

Export ABHA



  • Include it under "All Beneficiary Section"
  • Add a button to export the list of beneficiaries with ABHA numbers.
  • Exported file should be in Excel format and include columns like Serial No., Beneficiary Name, ABHA Number, and Mobile Number.


Highlight the beneficiaries (Pregnant Women, Eligible Couples) who have not been visited in the last three months. This helps ASHA workers quickly identify and prioritize these beneficiaries for follow-up, ensuring timely care and interventions.

Action Plan for the Flagging Feature:


Dashboard Changes

  • Add an indicator labeled "No Visit in Last 3 Months" under relevant sections (ANC, PNC, EC).
  • Clicking the indicator will navigate to a line listing of flagged beneficiaries.


Filter Implementation

  • Use last visit date and compare it with the current date.
  • Include records only from the current year to avoid old entries.


(for No Visit in Last 3 Months)

Flag (Boolean)


  • Included it under "ANC, PNC, EC" Modules.
  • Calculate the gap between Last Visit Date and the current date.
  • If the gap is greater than 3 months and the record is from the current year, flag the beneficiary.
  • Only valid records with a Last Visit Date in the current year should be considered for flagging
  • Ensure that if ASHA workers enter backdated visits, the system should not consider this for flagging

No Visit (3Months)



  • Included it under "Dashboard" below ANC, PNC, EC separate Modules.
  • The indicator will show the count of beneficiaries flagged for "No Visit in Last 3 Months".
  • Clicking on the indicator will navigate to a line listing of these flagged beneficiaries. Display a list of beneficiaries flagged with the "No Visit in Last 3 Months" status.
  • The list should be filtered to show only current-year records. Only include records where the Last Visit Date is within the current year.
  • Ignore past records from previous years to avoid irrelevant data being flagged

3.11 Identify and track missed period cases


To introduce a system that records the Last Menstrual Period (LMP) date during the registration of eligible couples and ensures proper tracking of women who have missed their periods. This system will help in early identification and intervention for possible pregnancies.

Action Plan

  1. LMP Date Field:
    A new date field will be added to the Eligible Couple Registration and Eligible Tracking screens to record the LMP date at the time of registration. This will allow better monitoring of the menstrual cycle for eligible couples.

  2. Dashboard Indicator:

    • A count of women who have missed their periods will be displayed on the Dashboard.
    • A separate line listing will provide detailed information about these women for further action.
    • Missed periods will be determined based on the LMP date and the system's predefined cycle tracking logic.

Refer to this Jira ticket:


Logic for Flagging


Name of Data Field

Field Type

Field Type

Value/ Options

Validation/ Logic/ Condition


(for No Visit in Last 3 Months)

Flag (Boolean)


  • Included it under "ANC, PNC, EC" Modules.
  • Calculate the gap between Last Visit Date and the current date.
  • If the gap is greater than 3 months and the record is from the current year, flag the beneficiary.
  • Only valid records with a Last Visit Date in the current year should be considered for flagging
  • Ensure that if ASHA workers enter backdated visits, the system should not consider this for flagging

No Visit (3Months)



  • Included it under "Dashboard" below ANC, PNC, EC separate Modules.
  • The indicator will show the count of beneficiaries flagged for "No Visit in Last 3 Months".
  • Clicking on the indicator will navigate to a line listing of these flagged beneficiaries. Display a list of beneficiaries flagged with the "No Visit in Last 3 Months" status.
  • The list should be filtered to show only current-year records. Only include records where the Last Visit Date is within the current year.
  • LMP Date

    Calendar Picker


    Eligible Couple Registration and Eligible Tracking Section, 

    Missed Period Flag



    Triggered if the difference between the current date and the LMP date exceeds 35 days.

    Missed Period

    (Dashboard Indicator)



    Included it under "Dashboard" Section

    Displays the count of women with missed periods based on the Missed Period Flag from both "Eligible Couple Registration" and "Eligible Couple Tracking" Section

     Provides a list of flagged women with their Names, LMP dates.

    Ignore past records from previous years to avoid irrelevant data being flagged



    12 Disease Control Module


    To introduce a system that records the Last Menstrual Period (LMP) date during the registration of eligible couples and ensures proper tracking of women who have missed their periods. This system will help in early identification and intervention for possible pregnancies.

    Action Plan

    1. LMP Date Field:
      A new date field will be added to the Eligible Couple Registration and Eligible Tracking screens to record the LMP date at the time of registration. This will allow better monitoring of the menstrual cycle for eligible couples.

    2. Dashboard Indicator:

      • A count of women who have missed their periods will be displayed on the Dashboard.
      • A separate line listing will provide detailed information about these women for further action.
      • Missed periods will be determined based on the LMP date and the system's predefined cycle tracking logic.FLW-178 - LMP Date Tracking and Missed Period Line Listing


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Value/ Options


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    LMP Date


    Calendar Picker




    Eligible Couple Registration and Eligible Tracking Section, 


    Missed Period Flag






    Triggered if the difference between the current date and the LMP date exceeds 35 days.


    Missed Period

    (Dashboard Indicator)






    Included it under "Dashboard" Section

    Displays the count of women with missed periods based on the Missed Period Flag from both "Eligible Couple Registration" and "Eligible Couple Tracking" Section

     Provides a list of flagged women with their Names, LMP dates.



    The Disease Control Module is designed to facilitate the identification, tracking, and management of infectious diseases in the village community. This module enhances early detection through a structured approach. It ensures real-time case monitoring, to reduce the disease burden in communities.

    • A new Disease Control Module should be available on the Home Screen.
    • The module should contain submodules for different diseases.
    • Each submodule should include a household line listing.
    • Under the household line listing, there should be a family member line listing.
    • This structure should be consistent across all modules.

    This module includes following sub-modules for specific diseases

    1. Malaria
    2. Kala Azar
    3. AES/JE (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/ Japanese Encephalitis)
    4. Filaria
    5. Leprosy

    3.12.1 Malaria Module

    This sub-module enables the identification and management of malaria cases at the village community level. It includes household search, auto-populated individual details, malaria case management with symptoms tracking, referral and treatment workflow, and lab test confirmation

    • When selecting a household, a toggle button should be available at the top of the family member listing.
    • When the toggle is ON, a table should appear showing:
      • Date
      • Rounds
      • Submit button
    • Below the table, a history section should display previous IRS rounds in a separate table, including:
      • Serial number
      • Date
      • Number of rounds
    • IRS rounds should be tracked yearly (frequency to be decided).


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Value/ Options


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    House Hold No.






    Search by household number.


    Head of Family Member Name


     Text Box






    Mobile No.










     Text Box




    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" First Name, Middle Name, Last Name.


    Father's Name / Husband Name


     Text Box




    If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from Spouse Name. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from Father’s Name.




     Text Box




    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"




     Text Box




    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


    Mobile No.


     Text Box




    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"




     Text Box




    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


    Case Date


     Text Box




    Auto-populated as Today's Date (Non-editable).


     Case Status


    Drop Down



    1.Suspected, 2. Confirmed, 3. Not Confirmed, 4. Treatment Given.

    First Entry: Only "Suspected" can be selected. 
    Second Entry: User can select "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". 
    If previous status was "Confirmed", display "Treatment Started".

    Push the value of variable Malaria to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra




      Text Box




    Fever more than two weeks, Flu-like illness, Shaking chills, Headache, Muscle aches, Tiredness, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea


    Malaria Case Count (Variable)


      Text Box




    For Lab Test: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique confirmed case in the current month.
    For Treatment: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique treatment given in the current month.


    Referred To


    Drop Down





    Primary Health Centre,

    Community Health Centre,

    District Hospital,

    Medical College and Hospital,

    Referral Hospital,

    Other Private Hospital,






     Text Box




    Required only if "Referred To" = "Other".


    Malaria Case Status Date


    Calendar Picker




    Auto-populated when status is updated.




     Text Box




    Optional field for additional notes.

    3.12.2 Kala Azar Module

    The Kala Azar sub-module focuses on early detection, treatment and tracking of Kala Azar cases at the village community level. It ensures accurate case status updates, referral options, treatment initiation, and structured follow-up at different points of the treatment cycle.


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Value/ Options


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    House Hold No.






    Search by household number.


    Head of Family Member Name


     Text Box






    Mobile No.








    Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
    Single Select Radio Button

    First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

    Push the value of variable Kala Azar Case to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

    Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1


    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and Hospital, Referral Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button


    If "Referred To" = "Other"




    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
    Single Select Radio Button

    Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected


    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"


    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrance of Symptoms, Other
    Single Select Radio Button


    If "Status" = "Other"


    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"


    The Disease Control Module is designed to facilitate the identification, tracking, and management of infectious diseases in the village community. This module enhances early detection through a structured approach. It ensures real-time case monitoring, to reduce the disease burden in communities.

    • A new Disease Control Module should be available on the Home Screen.
    • The module should contain submodules for different diseases.
    • Each submodule should include a household line listing.
    • Under the household line listing, there should be a family member line listing.
    • This structure should be consistent across all modules.

    This module includes following sub-modules for specific diseases

    1. Malaria
    2. Kala Azar
    3. AES/JE (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/ Japanese Encephalitis)
    4. Filaria
    5. Leprosy
    6. Deworming 

    Refer to this Jira ticket:


    3.12.1 Malaria Module

    This sub-module enables the identification and management of malaria cases at the village community level. It includes household search, auto-populated individual details, malaria case management with symptoms tracking, referral and treatment workflow, and lab test confirmation

    • When selecting a household, a toggle button should be available at the top of the family member listing.
    • When the toggle is ON, a table should appear showing:
      • Date
      • Rounds
      • Submit button
    • Below the table, a history section should display previous IRS rounds in a separate table, including:
      • Serial number
      • Date
      • Number of rounds
    • IRS rounds should be tracked yearly (frequency to be decided).

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold No.



    Search by household number.

    Head of Family Member Name

     Text Box



    Mobile No.





     Text Box


    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" First Name, Middle Name, Last Name.

    Father's Name / Husband Name

     Text Box


    If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from Spouse Name. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from Father’s Name.


     Text Box


    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


     Text Box


    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"

    Mobile No.

     Text Box


    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"


     Text Box


    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"

    Case Date

     Text Box


    Auto-populated as Today's Date (Non-editable).

     Case Status

    Drop Down


    1.Suspected, 2. Confirmed, 3. Not Confirmed, 4. Treatment Given.

    First Entry: Only "Suspected" can be selected. 
    Second Entry: User can select "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". 
    If previous status was "Confirmed", display "Treatment Started".


      Text Box


    Fever more than two weeks, Flu-like illness, Shaking chills, Headache, Muscle aches, Tiredness, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea

    Malaria Case Count (Variable)

      Text Box


    For Lab Test: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique confirmed case in the current month.
    For Treatment: Malaria = Malaria +1 for every unique treatment given in the current month.

    Referred To

    Drop Down



    Primary Health Centre,

    Community Health Centre,

    District Hospital,

    Medical College and Hospital,

    Referral Hospital,

    Other Private Hospital,




     Text Box


    Required only if "Referred To" = "Other".

    Malaria Case Status Date

    Calendar Picker


    Auto-populated when status is updated.


     Text Box


    Optional field for additional notes.

    3.12.2 Kala Azar Module

    The Kala Azar sub-module focuses on early detection, treatment and tracking of Kala Azar cases at the village community level. It ensures accurate case status updates, referral options, treatment initiation, and structured follow-up at different points of the treatment cycle.

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold No.



    Search by household number.

    Head of Family Member Name

     Text Box



    Mobile No.




    Data Field Text Box

    Name Text Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" (First, Middle, Last Name)
    Father's/Husband's Name Text Box
    "If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from 'Spouse Name'. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from 'Father Name'"
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Gender Text Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Type of House Text Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
    Caste Text Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
    Mobile No.Numeric
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    ABHA IDNumeric
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Date Numeric Display Today's Date and should be non-editable
    Kala Azar Case StatusRadio Button 

    Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
    Single Select Radio Button

    First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

    Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1

    Referred ToDrop Down 

    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and Hospital, Referral Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button

    OtherText Box 

    If "Referred To" = "Other"

    Kala Azar Case Status DateCalendar 


    Follow Up PointRadio Button 

    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
    Single Select Radio Button

    Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected

    Follow Up DateCalendar 

    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    StatusRadio Button 

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrence of Symptoms, Other
    Single Select Radio Button

    OtherText Box 

    If "Status" = "Other"

    RemarksText Box 

    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    3.12.3 AES/JE

    This sub-module facilitates the tracking and management of AES/JE cases through household searches, individual case tracking, referral management, and status updates to ensure effective case monitoring.

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold No.



    Search by household number.

    Head of Family Member Name

     Text Box



    Mobile No.




    Is there a "सुअर बाराह" near the house ?Radio ButtonValue/OptionsYes, No
    Single Select Radio Button
    Name Text Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM" (First, Middle, Last Name)
    Father's/Husband's Name Text Box
    "If Gender = Female and Marital Status = Married, auto-populate from 'Spouse Name'. If Gender = Male, auto-populate from 'Father Name'"
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    GenderText Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Type of HouseText Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
    CasteText Box
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration HH"
    Mobile No.Numeric
    Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    ABHA IDNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Date Numeric Display Today's Date and should be non-editable
    AES / JE  Case StatusRadio Button 

    Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
    Single Select Radio Button

    First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

    Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1

    Referred ToDrop Down 

    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and Hospital, Referral Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button

    OtherText Box 

    If "Referred To" = "Other"

     AES / JE Case Status DateCalendar 


    Follow Up PointRadio Button 

    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
    Single Select Radio Button

    Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected

    Follow Up DateCalendar 

    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    StatusRadio Button 

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrence of Symptoms, Other
    Single Select Radio Button

    OtherText Box 

    If "Status" = "Other"

    3.12.4 Filaria Module

    The Filaria sub-module tracks filariasis cases by capturing household and individual details, home visit dates, affected body parts, medication distribution under the Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program, and any reported side effects of treatment

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold No.



    Search by household number.

    On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with suffering from Filariasis  option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
    The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail" 

    Head of Family Member Name

     Text Box


     Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name".

    Mobile No.



     Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"

    Home Visit Date



    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable


    Text Box


    Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name". 

    Husband's / Father's / Mother's Name

    Text Box


    If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
    If "Gender" = "Male" then auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 


    Text Box


    Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM"

    GenderText Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    ABHA IDNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Suffering from Filariasis Radio Button




    If "suffering from Filariasis" = "Yes"

    Default selection should be "No"

    Which part of Body Text Box


    Display If "suffering from Filariasis" = "Yes"

    Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Leg, Left Leg, Right Side Breast, Left Side Breast Hydrocele, Other
    Single Select Radio Button

    If "Gender" = "Male" hide option "Right Side Breast" and "Left Side Breast" and If "Gender" = "Female" hide option "Hydrocele" 

    Home Visit Date (MDA Program) Calendar


    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

    3.12.3 AES/JE

    This sub-module facilitates the tracking and management of AES/JE cases through household searches, individual case tracking, referral management, and status updates to ensure effective case monitoring.


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Value/ Options


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    House Hold No.






    Search by household number.


    Head of Family Member Name


     Text Box






    Mobile No.








    Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed, Treatment Started
    Single Select Radio Button

    First time user will select "Suspected" option only and from second time the user will select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed". The system will display the "Treatment Started" only if  the previous status was "Confirmed".

    Push the value of variable AES / JE to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

    Define variable Kala Azar Case with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Kala Azar Case = Kala Azar Case +1


    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Medical College and Hosptal, Referral Hospital, Other, None Single Select Radio Button


    If "Referred To" = "Other"




    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
    Single Select Radio Button

    Disabled the option (1,2,3,4,5,6) once selected


    If "Kala Azar Case" = "Treatment Started"

    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"


    If "Status" not equal to "Dead" in previous "Follow Up point"

    Recovering, Cured, Dead, Recurrence of Symptoms, Other
    Single Select Radio Button


    If "Status" = "Other"

    3.12.4 Filaria Module

    The Filaria sub-module tracks filariasis cases by capturing household and individual details, home visit dates, affected body parts, medication distribution under the Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program, and any reported side effects of treatment

    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold No.



    Search by household number.

    On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with

    suffering from Filariasis

    DEC and Albendazole Dose Status  option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
    The system will display the field for each family member as given under

    "Individual Detail" 

    Head of Family Member Name

     Text Box


     Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name".

    Mobile No.



     Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"

    Home Visit Date



    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

    "Individual Detail" 

    DEC and Albendazole Dose StatusRadio Button


    T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O

    T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O
    Single Select Radio Button

    Display "P" If beneficiary is pregnant women or Display "Y" If "Age" less than 2 year and should be non-editable

    Define variable Filariasis with default value = 0 and for every unique "T" in the current month Filariasis = Filariasis +1

    OtherNameText Box


    Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name". 

    Husband's / Father's / Mother's Name

    Text Box


    If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
    If "Gender" = "Male" then auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 


    Text Box


    Auto-populate from sheet  "Enumeration FM"

    GenderText Box-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    ABHA IDNumeric-Auto-populated from "Enumeration FM"
    Suffering from Filariasis Radio Button




    If "suffering from Filariasis" = "Yes"

    Default selection should be "No"

    Which part of Body Text Box


    Display If "suffering from Filariasis" = "Yes"

    Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Leg, Left Leg, Right Side Breast, Left Side Breast Hydrocele, Other
    Single Select Radio Button

    If "Gender" = "Male" hide option "Right Side Breast" and "Left Side Breast" and If "Gender" = "Female" hide option "Hydrocele" 

    Home Visit Date (MDA Program) Calendar


    If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "O"

    Medicine  Side EffectRadio Button


    F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None

    If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "P" OR "Y" OR "S" 

    F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None
    Single Select Radio Button

    Default selection "None"

    Other Text Box


    If "Medicine  Side Effect" = "O (Other)"

    3.12.5 Leprosy Module

    This sub-module supports leprosy screening, detection, and follow-up at the village community level, screening status, referral information, leprosy type classification, and ongoing treatment follow-up to ensure continuous patient care.

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    House Hold House Hold No



    The user will search using the given parameters in "Search Household"  

    Head of Family Member Name

    Free Text


    Mobile No.

    Mobile No


    House Hold No



    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "House Number "

    On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with

    DEC and Albendazole Dose Status  option

    Leprosy Status option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
    The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail"

     DEC and Albendazole Dose StatusRadio Button


    T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O

    T, P, Y S, H, A, R, L, O
    Single Select Radio Button

    Display "P" If beneficiary is pregnant women or Display "Y" If "Age" less than 2 year and should be non-editable

    Define variable Filariasis with default value = 0 and for every unique "T" in the current month Filariasis = Filariasis +1

    OtherText Box


    If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "O"

    Medicine  Side EffectRadio Button


    F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None

    If "DEC and Albendazole Dose Status" = "P" OR "Y" OR "S" 

    F (Fever), H (Headache), B (Body Pain), V (Vomiting), N (Najala), O (Other), None
    Single Select Radio Button

    Default selection "None"

    Other Text Box


    If "Medicine  Side Effect" = "O (Other)"

    3.12.5 Leprosy Module

    This sub-module supports leprosy screening, detection, and follow-up at the village community level, screening status, referral information, leprosy type classification, and ongoing treatment follow-up to ensure continuous patient care.


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Value/ Options


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    House Hold House Hold No






    The user will search using the given parameters in "Search Household"  


    Head of Family Member Name


    Free Text




    Mobile No.


    Mobile No




    House Hold No






    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "House Number "

    On select search the system will display the field given under "House Hold Detail" with list of family member with Leprosy Status option next to the name of each family member and allow user to select applicable option.
    The system will display the field for each family member as given under "Individual Detail"


    Head of Family Member Name


      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name".


    Mobile No.






    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"


    Total no. of members in the house


      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Total number of members in the house"


    Total No. of member screened


      Text Box




    Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Screened" for selected House Hold


    Total No. of confirmed cases


      Text Box




    Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Confirmed" for selected House Hold


    Patient Name


      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name". 


    Father's Name / Husband Name


      Text Box




    If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
    If "Gender" = "Male" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 




      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Age"




      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Gender"


    Mobile No.


      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" from the data field "Mobile Number"




      Text Box




    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "ABHA No."


    Date of Home visit


      Text Box




    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable


    Leprosy status


      Text Box




    Screened, Denied, Not Screened, Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed
    Single Select Radio Button

    Default selected value should be "Not Screened" and Allow user to select "Suspected" or "Screened" or "Denied" only if the previous status is "Not Screened".
    Allow user to select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed" only if previous status is "Suspected".   

    Push the value of variable Leprosy to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

    Define variable "Leprosy" with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Leprosy = Leprosy +1 (For Treatment)


    Referred To


      Text Box




    If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Suspected"

    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Medical College and hospital, Referal Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Other
    Single Select Radio Button




      Text Box




    If "Referred To" = "Other"


    Leprosy status Date






    Autopopulate current date,
    But it must be editable until verified


    Type of Leprocy


      Text Box




    If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Confirmed"

    PB, MB
    Single Select Radio Button

    Prepare a To-Do list. If "Type of Leprocy"="PB" then display the name of benefitiary in the To-Do list for follow up by ASHA till 6 months and in case of MB till 12 months.


    Follow up date






    Developer Instruction: Allow user to enter the "Follow Up" multiple times and only when the "Leprosy status" is "Confirmed"

    Head of Family Member Name

      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name".

    Mobile No.



    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Mobile Number"

    Total no. of members in the house

      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration HH" and cell "Total number of members in the house"

    Total No. of member screened

      Text Box


    Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Screened" for selected House Hold

    Total No. of confirmed cases

      Text Box


    Count and display the "Leprosy Status" = "Confirmed" for selected House Hold

    Patient Name

      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "First Name","Middle Name", "Last Name". 

    Father's Name / Husband Name

      Text Box


    If "Gender" = "Female" and "Martial Status" = "Married" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Spouse Name" 
    If "Gender" = "Male" then autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Father Name" 


      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Age"


      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "Gender"

    Mobile No.

      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" from the data field "Mobile Number"


      Text Box


    Autopopulte from sheet  "Enumeration FM" and cell "ABHA No."

    Date of Home visit

      Text Box


    Display Today's Date and should be non-editable

    Leprosy status

      Text Box


    Screened, Denied, Not Screened, Suspected, Confirmed, Not Confirmed
    Single Select Radio Button

    Default selected value should be "Not Screened" and Allow user to select "Suspected" or "Screened" or "Denied" only if the previous status is "Not Screened".
    Allow user to select either "Confirmed" or "Not Confirmed" only if previous status is "Suspected".   

    Define variable "Leprosy" with default value = 0 and for every unique confirmed case in the current month Leprosy = Leprosy +1 (For Treatment)

    Referred To

      Text Box


    If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Suspected"

    Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Medical College and hospital, Referal Hospital, Other Private Hospital, Other
    Single Select Radio Button


      Text Box


    If "Referred To" = "Other"

    Leprosy status Date



    Autopopulate current date,
    But it must be editable until verified

    Type of Leprocy

      Text Box


    If "Leprosy Home visit status" = "Confirmed"

    PB, MB
    Single Select Radio Button

    Prepare a To-Do list. If "Type of Leprosy"="PB" then display the name of beneficiary in the To-Do list for follow up by ASHA till 6 months and in case of MB till 12 months.

    Follow up date



    Developer Instruction: Allow user to enter the "Follow Up" multiple times and only when the "Leprosy status" is "Confirmed"








    Recurrence of Symptoms,

    Regularly taking medicine,

    Not regularly taking medicine,

    Treatment completed ,


    If "status" = "Not regularly taking medicine" display "Advice the patient to take medicine regularly for recovery"

    Define variable "PB" and "MB" with default value = 0 and for every cured case in the current month
    If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprosy" = "PB" then PB = PB + 1
    If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprosy" = "MB" then MB = MB + 1


      Text Box


    3.12.6 Deworming

    This Sub-module supports deworming of children at the community level, ensuring the coverage of out-of-school children through ASHA-led mobilization. It tracks deworming status, location of administration (school/home visit), age group eligibility, ensuring proper monitoring of the deworming process.

    Add ASHA Incentive for National Deworming Day for mobilizing out of school children Rs.100 per ASHA Per round FMR Code

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Value/ Options

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    Deworming Round Done?

    Radio Button


    • Yes
    • No

    Mandatory field. If "Yes" is selected show next fields.

    If selected "Yes" then Add ASHA Incentive of Rs 100 Per round for National Deworming Day (FMR Code-

    Date of Deworming

    Calendar Picker


    Mandatory if "Deworming Done?" = Yes

    Location of Deworming

    Radio Button


    • School
    • Home Visit

    Mandatory if "Deworming Done?" = Yes.

    Age Group




    3.13 File Upload Feature

    Implement File Upload Feature for MCP Card and Birth Certificate

    This feature allows users to upload files in two key scenarios—MCP Card uploads during ANC visits and Birth Certificate uploads during child registration.

    1. MCP Card Uploads (ANC Module):
      • Allows ASHA workers to upload the Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card during any ANC visit.
      • The system ensures that only the latest uploaded version is retained, replacing older versions.
      • Users are provided with an upload button, and an indicator icon or text confirms successful uploads.
      • Uploaded MCP cards can be viewed via a dedicated view button, and acceptable file types include JPG, PNG, and PDF.
      • Positioning: The "Upload MCP Card" button must be positioned below the ANC Period field (refer to mockup for better understanding.)
    2. Birth Certificate Uploads (Child Registration Module):
      • Enables uploading of the child's birth certificate during registration or in later edits.
      • Both front and back sides of the certificate can be uploaded, and only the latest version is retained.
      • The system includes an upload button and a view button for accessing the most recent certificate.
      • Accepted file formats are JPG, PNG, and PDF, with a file size limit of 5 MB.
      • Positioning: The "Upload Birth Certificate" button must be positioned below the Date of Birth field (refer to mockup for better understanding.)
    3. File Overwrite Logic:
      • Both MCP Card and Birth Certificate uploads follow a single-file overwrite policy, ensuring only the most recent upload is displayed.
      • This prevents clutter and avoids managing multiple files for the same document.

    Refer to this Jira ticket:


    3.13.1 Upload MCP Card


     Image Added

    MCP Card Related Fields (Under ANC Module)

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Field Type

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    MCP card Upload



    • Allows uploading MCP card during any ANC visit.
    • Only the latest MCP card is retained.
    • Indicates the uploaded status with a visible icon.

    File Overwrite Logic



    • When a new birth certificate is uploaded, the previous file is overwritten.
    • Retain only the latest uploaded version.
    • Display icon or text indicating that the MCP card has been successfully uploaded.

    View Uploads



    • Displays the latest uploaded MCP card.

    Allowed File Types/File Size


    • Accept JPG, PNG, and PDF files.
    • Maximum file size of 5 MB per upload.

    3.13.1 Upload Birth Certificate

    Mockup for Birth Certificate upload (Under Child Registration Module)

     Image Added

    Birth Certificate Related Fields (Under Child Registration Module)

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Field Type

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    Birth Certificate Upload


    • User can upload Birth Certificate in Child registration.
    • Enables file upload for the birth certificate during child registration.
    • If not available during initial registration, can be added later during edit.
    • Option to upload both sides (front and back) of the birth certificate.

    File Overwrite Logic


    • When a new birth certificate is uploaded, the previous file is overwritten.
    • Retains only the latest uploaded version..

    View Uploads


    • Displays the latest uploaded MCP card.

    Allowed File Types/File Size


    • Accept JPG, PNG, and PDF files.
    • Maximum file size of 5 MB per upload.

    3.14 Help Module with User Guide and Video Tutorials

    The Help Module assists ASHA workers by providing comprehensive guidance on application functionalities through a user-friendly interface.

    Help Module

    The Help Module should be accessible via the hamburger menu

    3.14.1 Video Tutorials

      • A sub section for accessing video tutorials should be available under Help Module.
      • Videos must play offline to ensure accessibility without internet connectivity.

    3.14.2 User Guide

      • A sub section for accessing the user manual in the form of PDF format should be available under the Help Module.
      • The PDF manual will be pre-uploaded and available for offline use. 
    • Refer to this Jira ticket:










    Recurrance of Symptoms,

    Regularly taking medicine,

    Not regularly taking medicine,

    Treatment completed ,



    If "status" = "Not regularly taking medicine" display "Advice the patient to take medicine regularly for recovery"

    Push the value of variable PB and MB to ASHWIN - Dawa Papatra

    Define variable "PB" and "MB" with default value = 0 and for every cured case in the current month
    If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprocy" = "PB" then PB = PB + 1
    If "Status" = "Cured" and "Type of Leprocy" = "MB" then MB = MB + 1




      Text Box




    Implement File Upload Feature for MCP Card and Birth Certificate

    This feature allows users to upload files in two key scenarios—MCP Card uploads during ANC visits and Birth Certificate uploads during child registration.

    1. MCP Card Uploads (ANC Module):
      • Allows ASHA workers to upload the Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card during any ANC visit.
      • The system ensures that only the latest uploaded version is retained, replacing older versions.
      • Users are provided with an upload button, and an indicator icon or text confirms successful uploads.
      • Uploaded MCP cards can be viewed via a dedicated view button, and acceptable file types include JPG, PNG, and PDF.
      • Positioning: The "Upload MCP Card" button must be positioned below the ANC Period field (refer to mockup for better understanding.)
    2. Birth Certificate Uploads (Child Registration Module):
      • Enables uploading of the child's birth certificate during registration or in later edits.
      • Both front and back sides of the certificate can be uploaded, and only the latest version is retained.
      • The system includes an upload button and a view button for accessing the most recent certificate.
      • Accepted file formats are JPG, PNG, and PDF, with a file size limit of 5 MB.
      • Positioning: The "Upload Birth Certificate" button must be positioned below the Date of Birth field (refer to mockup for better understanding.)
    3. File Overwrite Logic:

    3.13.1 Upload MCP Card


     Image Removed


    MCP card Upload

    Name of Data Field

    Field Type

    Field Type

    Validation/ Logic/ Condition

    User Guide

    Image Button


    • Allows uploading MCP card during any ANC visit.
    • Only the latest MCP card is retained.
    • Indicates the uploaded status with a visible icon.

    File Overwrite Logic



    • When a new birth certificate is uploaded, the previous file is overwritten.
    • Retain only the latest uploaded version.
    • Display icon or text indicating that the MCP card has been successfully uploaded.

    View Uploads



    • Displays the latest uploaded MCP card.

    Allowed File Types/File Size


    • Accept JPG, PNG, and PDF files.
    • Maximum file size of 5 MB per upload.

    3.13.1 Upload Birth Certificate

    MOCKUP for Birth Certificate UPLOAD (Under Child Registration Module)


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Field Type


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    Birth Certificate Upload




    • User can upload Birth Certificate in Child registration.
    • Enables file upload for the birth certificate during child registration.
    • If not available during initial registration, can be added later during edit.
    • Option to upload both sides (front and back) of the birth certificate.


    File Overwrite Logic




    • When a new birth certificate is uploaded, the previous file is overwritten.
    • Retains only the latest uploaded version..


    View Uploads




    • Displays the latest uploaded MCP card.


    Allowed File Types/File Size




    • Accept JPG, PNG, and PDF files.
    • Maximum file size of 5 MB per upload.


    The Help Module assists ASHA workers by providing comprehensive guidance on application functionalities through a user-friendly interface.

    Help Module

      • The Help Module must be accessible via the hamburger icon in the main menu.

    3.14.1 Video Tutorials

      • An icon for accessing video tutorials will be available in the Help Module.
      • Videos must play offline to ensure accessibility without internet connectivity.

    3.14.2 User Manual


    • Displays a comprehensive user guide covering all key features and functionalities.

    Video Tutorial Icon

    Image Button

    • Videos must play offline, ensuring accessibility without internet connectivity.


    • Image Added

    3.15 ABHA Number creation using Biometrics


    Alternatively ABHA number can be created using the Fingerprint and Face authentication methods, these both methods are used to securely verify an individual’s identity for creating an ABHA number. These authentication methods helps and streamlines the ABHA number creation process by offering a simple, fast, and secure way to verify an individual's identity without OTP process.

    3.15.1 Create ABHA using Fingerprint authentication method

    To create ABHA using Fingerprint authentication method, optical fingerprint scanner device is required and device should be Aadhaar registered device (RD Device).

    In this method, using fingerprint scanner device capture fingerprint of the beneficiary and processes for Aadhaar authentication.

    This RD Service returns an encrypted PID block containing signed biometrics.

    The PID can be then passed through the API mentioned below. 

    This API creates an ABHA account using fingerprint:
    V3 URL: {{base_url}}/v3/enrollment/enrol/byAadhaar

    Steps to Create ABHA number:

    1. First connect the fingerprint scanner device to mobile device
    2. On the beneficiary card, click on 'Create ABHA' and navigate to the below mockup screen
    3. In select mode dropdown, select "Fingerprint"
    4. Enter Aadhaar number with Aadhaar consent and capture fingerprint on the scanner device
    5. then processes for authentication as per the API provided
    6. then finally on successful authentication and after ABHA is created, print number on the beneficiary card

    Mockup screen

    Image Added

    3.15.2 Create ABHA using Face authentication method

    To create ABHA using Face authentication method, a third-party app named as 'Aadhaar RD service' should be installed on the mobile device and Aadhaar RD service App with WADH key. 

    In this method, using Aadhaar RD service App capture face of the beneficiary and processes for Aadhaar authentication.

    This RD Service returns an encrypted PID block containing signed biometrics.

    The PID can be then passed through the API mentioned below. 

    This API creates an ABHA account using FaceAuth:
    V3 URL: {{base_url}}/v3/enrollment/enrol/byAadhaar

    Steps to Create ABHA number:

    1. First mobile device should be installed with 'Aadhaar RD service' App and configure FLW App and allow permission to call Aadhaar RD service App
    2. On the beneficiary card, click on 'Create ABHA' and navigate to the below mockup screen
    3. In select mode dropdown, select "FaceAuth"
    4. then redirected to the Aadhaar RD service App and capture face; If this application is not installed in device, then user should be redirected to google play store to download the RD service App
    5. Enter Aadhaar number with Aadhaar consent 
    6. then processes for authentication as per the API provided
    7. then finally on successful authentication and after ABHA is created, print number on the beneficiary card

    Mockup screen

    Image Added


    Name of Data Field


    Field Type


    Field Type


    Validation/ Logic/ Condition


    User Guide




    • Displays a comprehensive user guide covering all key features and functionalities.


    Video Tutorial Icon




    • Videos must play offline, ensuring accessibility without internet connectivity.
