Telemedicine Login Page
1.Accessing the application:
To access the Tele medicine application, enter the provided URL e.g.
i-v1.0/ in the address bar of any standard browsers (preferably Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)
The Login page of the application will appear as
The user at Spoke will be given their login credentials. Following will be the users at Spoke location
i). Community Health Officer (CHO)
ii). Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM)
iii). Multipurpose worker (MPW)
iv). RMO in Sanjeevani MMU vans
The user must login by: Entering their User Name, Password.
Selecting Login to advance to the next screen and begin using the application.
The landing page after login will be seen as
Telemedicine Login
Click on the TM button to proceed.
On the next page, a pop up will appear ‘Open Swymed?’. Click on the button Open Swymed button
Swymed Login:
Once the pop-up ‘Open Swymed’ button is clicked, Swymed application will also be opened . The user will be auto logged in Swymed.
. Swymed Application:
The user has to come back to the TM application and now have to select the Spoke location from the dropdown and click on Continue.
Tele Medicine Spoke Selection:
On selecting the Spoke location, the user will be landed in the Nurse Worklist page
Nurse Worklist:
All patients who require tele medicine consultation with specialists will appear in the Nurse worklist
2. Patient Registration:
To register a new patient in the TM application, go to the Registrar dropdown and click on Registration
On click of Registration button, the form to fill the patient details will appear. The form is divided into three sections viz.
Personal Information, Location and Other Information.
Personal Information:
The fields with asterisk (*) for example – First Name, Contact No, State, District etc. are mandatory fields. All the mandatory fields have to be entered in the form.
On selecting the Date of birth, Age field gets auto populated; Marital Status field becomes visible which is also a mandatory field. If the marital status is Divorced, Married, Separated or Widowed, then Spouse name and Age at marriage fields are also mandatory in TM application.
Location Information:
If any mandatory fields are not filled, then on click of Submit button, a pop up will appear to highlight the required fields.
Once all the fields are filled, click on Submit button. A Beneficiary ID for the patient will be created and displayed on the screen. The same Beneficiary ID will be sent to the patient via SMS. This Beneficiary Id is unique for the patient and can be used for future tele medicine consultation and other services like 104, MCTS, Sanjeevani MMU etc.
On ‘OK’ button click, the screen will be redirected to the Nurse Worklist
3.Search Patient
If a patient is already registered in TM application or 104, the patient details can be searched from
Registrar-> Search
Patient details can be searched with Beneficiary Id or Phone Number (provided or used at the time of
There is also a provision of ‘Advanced Search’ in case the patient cannot be searched with Beneficiary
Id and phone number.
The fields with asterisk (*) - First Name, Gender, State, District etc. are mandatory fields
On search click, the details of the patient will be shown
To proceed, click anywhere in the Beneficiary details row. A confirmation pop up will appear to submit
the beneficiary to the Nurse worklist. Click on ‘Ok’.
Confirmation message “Beneficiary moved to Nurse worklist” will be shown
4. Nurse Worklist
The nurse worklist will show all the patient list who have been registered in the application and require tele consultation. First Visit and Revisit patient will be highlighted in blue and orange colors respectively.
Click on the Beneficiary Name or anywhere in the row to proceed for tele medicine consultation
Once clicked, it will ask for a confirmation whether to proceed. Click on ‘OK’.
i) Visit Details
The first section is the ‘Visit Details’ page.
The user has to select the ‘Reason for Visit’ and ‘Visit Category’ from the dropdowns list; and both are mandatory fields.
The user has to fill the ‘Chief complaint’ for the visit.
To add the chief complaint; type three letter and all related options will appear as dropdown. Select the appropriate complaint. Once the chief complaint is selected, SCT ID (SNOMED CT Identifier) will get automatically populated. Rest of the details like duration of complaint, description can also be filled in the application
More than one chief complaint can be added from the ‘Add (+)’ icon.
Any complaint can be removed from the ‘Cross (x)’ icon
If there is any document to be uploaded, it can be done in ‘Upload Files’.
Click on ‘Schedule for TM’ button (Refer to Schedule TM section) for scheduling the consultation with the required specialist.
Click on ‘Next’.
ii) History
The user will be redirected to the ‘History’ section to capture any medical history of the beneficiary. If any past history of illness or surgery have been reported or observed, such details have to be filled in 'Past History' section.
In ‘Comorbid/ Concurrent Conditions’ section, the user need to select any other prevailing condition of the patient along with duration.
If the beneficiary is undergoing any medication, the details will be filled in the ‘Medication History’ section.
In the ‘Personal History’ section, details of allergies, dietary type of the beneficiaries will be captured
In the ‘Family History’ section, details of any family illness along with the relationship, or genetic
disorders can be captured.
For all female patients, menstrual details such period cycles and also related problems are to be captured in the
‘Menstrual History’ section.
The ‘Past Obstetric History’ section is also for female patients which captures the total number of pregnancies undergone by the beneficiary.
If the total number of pregnancies is more than one, the details of the previous children can also be captured.
Click on ‘Next’
iii) Vitals
In this section, user has to capture ‘Anthropometry’ i.e. height and weight of the beneficiary. These are mandatory fields.
According to the height and weight entered, BMI values will be calculated and will get auto populated in the field and also
the weight indicator is shown, for e.g. Normal Weight, obesity, etc.
In the ‘Vitals’ section, temperature and pulse of the patient needs to be filled. All other fields are optional in this section
Click on ‘Next’
iv). Examination
The general examination details of the beneficiary are noted in the ‘Examination’ section. The user will have to observe the symptoms and note the details in the page
The user can also perform head to toe examination and if any abnormality is found, the details can be filled in ‘Head to Toe examination’ section
The next section ‘Systemic examination’ reviews the major systems of the body like the Central Nervous System, Respiratory System, Cardio Vascular System and Gastro Intestinal system, Musculoskeletal System, Genito Urinary System.
Once all the details are captured in the ‘Examination’ section, click on ‘Submit’. Data will be saved and the user will be moved to the
nurse worklist ‘Visit’ section.
5. Schedule for TM
Tele medicine consultation scheduling can be done from:
1. Nurse Worklist ->Visit Section
2. Doctor Worklist -> Current Section
Click on the Beneficiary Name or anywhere in the row to proceed for tele medicine consultation
Once clicked, it will ask for a confirmation whether to proceed. Click on ‘OK’.
Check whether the visit category, chief complaints and other required details are filled, then click on
'Schedule for TM’ button
A pop up will appear on the screen for scheduling TM
Select the type of Allocation as in ‘Walk In’ or ‘Schedule’. If the beneficiary requires immediate consultation, select allocation type as ‘Walk In’. If the beneficiary wants consultation on a different date, select the allocation type as ‘Schedule’.
Select the specialization and the specialist name. The available slots will be shown for the selected specialist. Booked slots will be highlighted in red. Unavailable slots will be highlighted in grey and cannot be selected. Click on ‘Submit Slot’
The pop up will close and go back to ‘Visit Details’ page
Click on ‘Next’
6. Tele Medicine Consultation (TMC)
The beneficiary details will be visible either in the ‘Current TC’ section of the ‘Nurse’ Worklist or
In the ‘Current’ section of the ‘Doctor’ Worklist.
To initiate the call with the specialist, click on the ‘Beneficiary Arrived’ checkbox, a pop up will appear for confirmation; click on ‘Yes’.
Click on the green video call button to start tele consultation.
To open Swymed click on the ‘Open Swymed’ button in the pop up.
This will automatically initiate video in the Swymed application.
Once the tele consultation is completed, click on the ‘Hang Up’ to close the call.
The color for all completed consultations will be changed in green in the list.
Click on the ‘Beneficiary Name’ to view the case sheet.
The entire case sheet of the patient will be shown as
The user can select the component from the case sheet to be shared with the beneficiary from the first icon
in the bottom right corner.
Deselect the components and click on ‘Preview’
7. Rescheduling TMC
If the specialist selected for tele consultation is busy or the call could not be established, the tele consultation can be rescheduled
with a different specialist.
For rescheduling, first uncheck the ‘Beneficiary arrived’ checkbox. A confirmation pop up will appear.'Are you sure to cancel the
arrival status?’. Click on ‘Yes’
Click on ‘Cancel’ button. A confirmation pop up will appear ‘Cancel TC request’; click on ‘Yes’
Confirmation will be shown that the TC cancellation was done successfully.
To reschedule the consultation, click on ‘Schedule’ button
Select the Allocation type, allocation date, Specialization and the required specialist and submit.
Once the call is scheduled; click on ‘Beneficiary Arrived’ checkbox and initiate the video consultation.