Technician Beneficiary DHCHCNurseRegistrarWork Flow 1
Tele Medicine Login Page 2
Accessing the application
To access the Tele medicine application, enter the provided URL e.g.({+}
v1.0/#/login in the address bar of any standard browsers (preferably Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) The Login page of the application will appear as

Tele Medicine Login 3

TM button to proceed.Click on the
On the next page, a pop up will appear 'Open Swymed?'. Click on the button Open Swymed button

Swymed Login 4

Click in the 'Open Swymed' button

!worddav65efdafab566adb279101036a5ad4762.png|height=328,width=808!Once the pop-up 'Open Swymed' button is clicked, Swymed application will also be opened . The user
will be auto logged in Swymed.

Swymed Application 5

The user has to come back to the TM application, and now have to select the Spoke location from the dropdown and click on Continue.

Tele Medicine Spoke Selection 6

The user has to come back to the TM application, and now have to select the Spoke location from the
!worddavf29df5c3751fe125d9bd442b8ac2828b.png|height=350,width=799!Select the SPOKE
locationdropdown and click on Continue.
On selecting the Spoke location, the user will be landed in the Nurse Worklist page

Nurse Worklist 7

All patients who require tele medicine consultation with specialists will appear in the Nurse worklist

8Patient Registration

To register a new patient in the TM application, go to the Registrar dropdown and click on Registration

!worddav44cd54f1b78fdc8a627c981b06a016ac.png|height=318,width=802!Click on Registration
On click of Registration button, the form to fill the patient details will appear. The form is divided into three sections
viz. Personal Information, Location and Other Information.

Personal Information 9

The fields with asterisk (star) for example – First Name, Contact No, State, District etc. are mandatory fields. All the
mandatory fields have to be entered in the form.
On selecting the Date of birth, Age field gets auto populated; Marital Status field becomes visible which is also a mandatory field. If the marital status is Divorced, Married, Separated or Widowed, then Spouse name and Age at marriage fields are also mandatory in TM application.

Personal Information 10

If any mandatory fields are not filled, then on click of Submit button, a pop up will appear to highlight the required

Location Detail 11

In Location Information the default Mapped Location already filled

!worddav86a41cf27fdfa6ee33957ded15e51fd9.png|height=325,width=799!we can also change the default Location by click on Edit Location slide Bar

Beneficiary Registration 12

All information in this Tab is not mandatory ,If We Tick on Check Box. The field is showing mandatory

Beneficiary Registration 13

Once all the fields are filled, click on Submit button. A Beneficiary ID for the patient will be created and displayed on the screen. The same Beneficiary ID will be sent to the patient via SMS. This Beneficiary Id is unique for the patient and can be used for future tele medicine consultation and other services like 104, MCTS, MMU etc.

On 'OK' button click, the screen will be redirected to the Nurse Worklist

Search Patient 14

If a Beneficiary is already registered in TM application or 104, the patient details can be searched from
Registrar  Search

Beneficiary Search Page 15

Beneficiary details can be searched with Beneficiary Id or Phone Number (provided or used at the time of
Click on 'Advanced Search' to search with other detailsEnter the 'Beneficiary Id' or 'Phone Number'
There is also a provision of 'Advanced Search' in case the patient cannot be searched with Beneficiary Id and
phone number.

Beneficiary Advance Search Page 16

The fields with asterisk (star) - First Name, Gender, State, District etc. are mandatory fields

Beneficiary Search Page 17

On search click, the details of the patient will be shown

To proceed, click anywhere in the Beneficiary details row. A confirmation pop up will appear to submit the beneficiary to the Nurse worklist. Click on 'Ok'.

Registrar Worklist 18

Confirmation message "Beneficiary moved to nurse worklist" will be shown
Click on OK to button to proceed

Registrar Worklist 19

Now "Beneficiary moved to nurse worklist" Successfully

Nurse Worklist 20

The nurse worklist will show all the patient list who have been registered in the application and require tele
consultation. First Visit and Revisit patient will be highlighted in blue and orange colours respectively.

Nurse Work List 21

!worddav6faad33c02636eb9cdfe4539925d9fa9.png|height=18,width=22!Click on the Beneficiary Name or anywhere in the row to proceed for tele medicine consultation

Click on Beneficiary
Name to proceed

Once clicked, it will ask for a confirmation whether to proceed. Click on 'OK'.

Visit Details 22

The first section is the 'Visit Details' page.
!worddav1bebc333ad818e140f287aacbb921b1b.png|height=264,width=433!The user has to select the 'Reason for Visit' and 'Visit Category' from the dropdowns list; and both are
mandatory fields.

Pregnancy Status 23

Select Pregnancy Status From drop down list

Note : Pregnancy Status Not Shown If we selected PNC in Visit Category

Chief Complaints 24

The user has to fill the 'Chief complaint' for the visit.
To add the chief complaint; type three letter and all related options will appear as dropdown. Select the appropriate complaint. Once the chief complaint is selected, SCT ID (SNOMED CT Identifier) will get automatically populated. Rest of the details like duration of complaint, description can also be filled in the application

Chief Complaints 25

More than one chief complaint can be added from the 'Add (plus)' icon. Any complaint can be removed from the 'Cross (error)' icon

Upload Files 26

!worddavdf57682ef3cec7b6238ad7e5814d21f6.png|height=316,width=827!If there is any document to be uploaded, it can be done in 'Upload Files'.
Click on 'Next'.

Scheduler 27

.Click on 'Schedule for TM' button for scheduling the consultation with the required specialist. The Scheduler Screen will open, select Allocation type, Allocation Date, specialization, specialist detail with available time slot

Scheduler 28

click on available slot for scheduling the consultation with the required specialist. Now click on

Click on 'Next for next page

History 29

The user will be redirected to the 'History' section to capture any medical history of the beneficiary. If any past history of
illness or surgery have been reported or observed, such details have to be filled in 'Past History' section

NOTE : We can also search Beneficiary Previous illness and Surgery history if previous visit submitted already, by
lick onc

Comorbid/ Concurrent Conditions 30

In 'Comorbid/ Concurrent Conditions' section, the user need to select any other prevailing condition of the patient along with duration.

NOTE : We can also search Beneficiary Previous Comorbidity condition if previous record submitted already, by click on

'Comorbid Conditions 31

ection !worddav3c948c210346fe93ab78b2c934d9d10b.png|height=35,width=74!we can also add/delete more than one 'Comorbid Conditions' by this s

Medication History 32

If the beneficiary is undergoing any medication, the details will be filled in the 'Medication History' section.

Personal History 33

In the 'Personal History' section, details of allergies, dietary type of the beneficiaries will be captured
If Tobacco/Alcohol status is yes, then more field are enable like Type, Number Per Day, Duration, Duration Unit
to fill.

Family History 34

In the 'Family History' section, details of any family illness along with the relationship, or genetic disorders can be

Menstrual History 35

For all female patients, menstrual details such period cycles and also related problems are to be captured in the 'Menstrual History' section.

Past Obstetric History 36

!worddav7a3185a1d5b47749b3a63684388902e0.png|height=305,width=799!The 'Past Obstetric History' section is also for female patients which captures the total number of pregnancies undergone by the beneficiary.

Click on 'Next'

Past Obstetric History 37

Total Number of Pregnancies
If the total number of pregnancies is more than one, the details of the previous children can also be captured with some specific
!worddav7a3185a1d5b47749b3a63684388902e0.png|height=325,width=799!detail by tick on order of Pregnancy Box

Anthropometry 38

In this section, user has to capture 'Anthropometry' i.e. height and weight of the beneficiary. These are
mandatory fields.
According to the height and weight entered, BMI values will be calculated and will get auto populated in the
field and also the weight indicator is shown, for e.g. Normal Weight, obesity, etc.

Vitals 39
In the 'Vitals' section, temperature and pulse of the patient needs to be filled. All other fields are optional in this section.

t' !worddava0bad771768e063beb34364ae78cd488.png|height=26,width=58!Click on 'Nex

Examination 40

The general examination details of the beneficiary are noted in the 'Examination' section. The user will have to
observe the symptoms and note the details in the page

Head to Toe examination 41

The user can also perform head to toe examination and if any abnormality is found, the details can be filled in 'Head to Toe examination' section

Systemic Examination 42

The next section 'Systemic examination' reviews the major systems of the body like the CentralNervous System,
System.Respiratory System, Cardio Vascular System and Gastro Intestinal system,Musculoskeletal System, Genito Urinary

!worddav2e97cb982e78b66c202d17e7b63316b7.png|height=326,width=848!Once all the details are captured in the 'Examination' section, click on 'Submit'. Data will be saved and the user will be moved to the nurse worklist 'Visit' section for Tele medicine consultation .

Schedule for TM 43

Tele medicine consultation scheduling can be done from:
Nurse WorklistVisit SectionCurrent TC
!worddav92d964c79b9ddb07222cd3d3f162eec7.png|height=274,width=51!Click on the Beneficiary Name or anywhere in the row to proceed for tele medicine consultation

Schedule for TM 44

!worddav97385db07822cd019c07933a520818ee.png|height=139,width=290!Tele medicine consultation scheduling can be done when we select beneficiary arrived check box in current TC

Now We can start TC by click on video call button

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