Introduction to the FLW (Frontline Workers) App

The FLW (Frontline Workers) App is a comprehensive mobile application designed to streamline and enhance the daily activities of ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists), This user guide will take you through the app’s various Modules and Features, providing step-by-step instructions to help you maximize the app's capabilities for improved healthcare service delivery.

Step 1 - Login Page:

Online and Offline App Functionality:

  1. Initial Installation and Login:
  2. Logout and Re-login Without Internet:
  3. Language Selection

      Choose your preferred language from the available options, such as English and Kannada.

  1. Credentials

      Enter your user name

      Enter your password

      "Remember Me" Checkbox: Select this option to save your login credentials for future sessions.

       Click "Next" to proceed the login process.

Step 2 - Village Mapping:

  1. User & Village Mapping:

Step 3 - Landing Page:

  1. After login provide two tabs one for "Home" which have list of modules, another one is "Scheduler" which have the information of different visits for ASHA.
  2. Hamburger Menu Provides Navigation to Home ,Sync Record ,Create ABHA Number ,Incentives,Logout


Step - 4. Household Registration(HH):

Scenario1: All Household >> New Household Registration >> ADD beneficiary as Head of Family >> Yes >> Submit >> Add Spouse >> OK >> Family member Registration

Scenario2: All Household >> New Household Registration >> ADD beneficiary as Head of Family >> Yes >> Submit >> Add Spouse >> Cancel >> Landing Page

Scenario3: All Household >> New Household Registration >> ADD beneficiary as Head of Family >> No  >> Submit >> Add Head of Family

Note*Any family member can be registered as the HOF

Note*Household to be registered first, as all subsequent registrations are linked to it


1)Click on All Household

2)Click on New Household

3)Fill the form and Submit

  1. Select the desired Option

  1. If Yes is selected then Fill Head Of Family Registration Form and Submit

6.If “No” is selected then click on Add Head of Family and Fill form and Submit

Step - 5: Family Member Registration

All Household >> Add Member >> Add Family Member >> Family Member Registration >> Status Of Women >> Submit

Condition: Status of Women Populates for Beneficiaries whose Gender is “Female” and Age should be 15 years and above 

1.Select the desired Option

2.Fill the Family Member Registration Form

3.Status of Woman

Condition: This Populates for Beneficiaries whose Gender is “Female” and Age should be 15 years and above 

Step 3 Eligible Couple Registration

Status Of Women >> Eligible Couple List >> Eligible Couple Registration

1.Click on Eligible Couple List

2.Click on Desired Section

A)Eligible Couple Registration:

1.Fill the Eligible Couple Registration Form and Submit

  1. Eligible Couple Tracking:

Status Of Women >> Eligible Couple List >> Eligible Couple Tracking Form >>Submit

1.Fill and Submit Eligible couple Tracking form and Submit

Step 6 - Maternal Health Module 

A)Pregnant Women Registration

Scenario-1-HH Registration >> Add Family member >> EC registration >> EC Tracking >> PW registration 

Scenario-2-HH Registration >> Beneficiary registration of Direct Pregnant Women 

Note*If hH is done then dont do agian

The system tracks pregnancy stages and ensures timely ANC visits, organizing women into due lists: ANC 1 for those registered within 12 weeks, ANC 2 for women between 14-26 weeks who completed ANC 1, PMSMA for HRP cases or those between 14-40 weeks, ANC 3 for women between 28-36 weeks after completing ANC 2, and ANC 4 for women nearing delivery after ANC 3. This structure promotes accurate tracking, timely care, and additional attention to high-risk pregnancies.

1.Click On Maternal Health

2.Click On Pregnant Women Registration

3.Click on Register Button



4.Fill the “Pregnancy Registration” form with additional attention to high-risk pregnancies and Click on “Submit”

Scenario1: IF System notifies as “High Risk” then Beneficiary will move to “ANC Visits” Section and “HIGH RISK ASSESSMENT” Section

Scenario2: IF System does not notify as “High Risk” then Beneficiary will move to “ANC Visits” Section

  1. B) ANC Visits

1.Click on ANC Visits

2.Click on “ADD ANC Visits”

3.Fill the “ANC Visit” Form

B1)PMSMA Form (Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan)

On 9th of every month, ANC drive is being conducted at all major facilities.

Beneficiaries can be taken here during 2nd and 3rd trimester of the month.

Condition: This PMSMA Visit is applicable for all Pregnant Women whose ANC 1 is done

1.Click on “ADD PMSMA” Button

2.Fill in the PMSMA Form and Submit

C: Delivery Outcome

Condition: In ANC visit, if ‘Is pregnant woman delivered’ is “Yes”, then beneficiary Populates in this Bucket

1.Click on “Delivery Outcome”

2.Fill in the “Delivery Outcome” Form and Submit

Note*If Maternal “Death” is selected Yes, then record moves to ‘MDSR’ section under “Death Report” Bucket

  1. D) PNC Mother List

Scenario-1:HH Registration >> Beneficiary registration >> EC registration >> EC Tracking >> PW registration >> ANC Services >> Delivery outcome >> PNC Mother List

Scenario-2: HH Registration >> Beneficiary registration of Postnatal Mother


  1. In ANC visit, if ‘Is pregnant woman delivered’ is “Yes”, open these details.
  2. If in Delivery Outcome section ‘Delivery Complication’ = “Death”, then do NOT show this Woman in list.

Note: After Delivery + 42 days, Woman should be again moved to Eligible couple Tracking section

1.Click on PNC Mother List

2.Click on ADD PNC VISITS to Fill PNC Form, Click on PNC VISITS to view the already registered PNC VISITS

3.Fill the PNC form and Submit



E) Infant Registration

Scenario1-HouseHold Registration(HH) Registration >> Beneficiary registration of Direct Newborn / Infant

Scenario2- HH Registration >> Beneficiary registration >> EC registration >> EC Tracking >> PW registration >> ANC Services >> Delivery outcome >> Mother PNC Services >> Infant registration

Note*Captures the details of Infants from Delivery Outcome section


1.Click on “Infant Registration”

2.Fill the Form and Submit

F) Child Registration:

Scenario1-HouseHold Registration (HH) Registration >> Direct Registration of Child

Scenario2 HH Registration >> Beneficiary registration >> EC registration >> EC Tracking >> PW registration >> ANC Services >> Delivery outcome >> Mother PNC Services >> Infant registration >> Child registration

Note*Child Registration is linked to the House hold of Mother and add in the beneficiary list

1.Click on Child registration

2.Fill the Form and Submit

Step 8 : Child Care

Child care contains Infant List Child List Adolescent List

1.Click on “Child Care” Section

2.Click on Infant Registration

3.Click on “HBNC”

Note* HBNC section is only for beneficiaries whose Age is 0 to 42 Days

4.Click on Visit Card

This contains tracking of the Newborn on 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42nd days

G. Child List

1.Click on “Child List”

2.Click on “HBYC”

HBYC visits are conducted on 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th months

3.Click on the Desired Visit Form and Submit

Step 9  - NCD

Direct Registration for NCD Services

Note* This section contains Beneficiary both Male and Female whose age > = 30 years and excluding Pregnant Women and CBAC Form is applicable to screen these Beneficiaries and done yearly once

Note* Edit is applicable – but once approved by ANM/MO/ CHO, edit is not applicable

history of submitted CBAC Form is available for viewing

1.Click on NCD Module

2.Click on the desired Section Below

 A) NCD Eligible List: Includes all listed beneficiaries in the application who are male or female and aged 30 years or older.

 B) NCD Priority List: Comprises Line Listing of male and female beneficiaries aged 30 years or older with a CBAC score greater than 4.

 C) NCD Non-Eligible List: Consists Line listing of Beneficiaries male and female aged 30 years or older with a CBAC score of 4 or below.


3.Click on “NCD Eligible List” and “Add CBAC” button to open the CBAC form

4.Fill the CBAC Form

Step 10 - Communicable Disease

Direct Registration of Communicable

Note*In this section contains all beneficiaries irrespective of any age group and gender.

TB Suspected cases is Line listing of patient for their follow-ups.

1.Click on “TB Screening”

2.Click on “Screen” to perform Screening, or Click on View Screen to view the previous screening

3.Fill the “TB screening Form” and Submit

4.This Prompt generates if Beneficiary is suspected TB and beneficiary will be moved to Suspected TB Cases

5.Click on “Suspected TB cases”

6.Click on “Track” for further questionnaire, click on “View” to see the already filled details

7.Fill the Form and Submit

Step 11 -Immunization

Note* This contains all Children between age group of 0 to 16 years, show separately children with below Age group:

  1. Birth Dose Vaccines Babies
  2. 6 Weeks Vaccines Children
  3. 10 Weeks Vaccines Children
  4. 14 Weeks Vaccines Children
  5. 9-12 Months Vaccines Children
  6. 16-24 Months Vaccines Children
  7. 5-6 Years Vaccine Children
  8. 10 Years Vaccine Children
  9. 16 Years Vaccine Children

1.Click on Child Immunization

2.Click on Show Vaccination

 3.Fill the Form and Submit

Step 12- High Risk Assessment

This has two section Pregnant Women and Non Pregnant Sections with the Assesment form and Tracking for the beneficiaries

1.Click on Assess High Risk in Non PW

2.Click on ASSESS

3.Click on Assess High Risk in PW

4.Fill the “Access” Form

5.Click on Micro Birth Plan

6.Fill the Micro Birth Plan and Submit

Step13: Death Reports

1.Click on Death Reports

2.Click on Relevant Option and Continue

3.CDR Form

Condition: Show list of beneficiaries, where Infant Death or Child Death is noticed, between Age group 0 to 15 years.

1.Click on “CDR FORM”

2.Fill the CDR and Submit


4.MDSR: Maternal Death Surveillance and Response

Condition: Show only list of “Pregnant Women”, where in ANC visits the field ‘Maternal Death’ = “Yes” or in Delivery Outcome section ‘Delivery Complication’ = “Death” or in PNC section ‘Mother Death’ = “Yes”

1.Click on MDSR

2.Fill the Form and Submit

Step 14 -Schedular

Landing Page has two tabs one for "Home" which have list of modules, another one is "Scheduler" which have the information of different visits for ASHA. Visits are divided into two section:



Step13: Hamburger Menu

1.Click on the Hamburger Icon

2.Selected the Desired section


Step 15- Hamburger Icon contains below:

  1. Home: Click on "Home" to navigate back to the Home page.
  2. Sync Records: When ASHA switches from offline to online mode, data automatically syncs. However, the "Sync Records" button is available for manual synchronization.
  3. Create ABHA Number: This option assists in creating an ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) number.


4.Incentives: Access information related to ASHA's eligible incentives.

1.Click on Incentives and then Click on Select Month and Click on Fetch Button to get the Incentive claimed by ASHA

 5.Logout: Use this option to log out of the application.