Different type of lists is getting created based on the beneficiary registrations. These are defined on the following data fields: "Age", "Gender", "Marital Status", "CBAC Score" and family folder concept.
- All Household List
- All Beneficiaries List
- Eligible Couple List: 15 years to 49 years, female, married
- Pregnancy Women List: Women list who are pregnant
- Delivery Stage List: Women list who are in the delivery stage
- Postnatal Care (PNC) List: Women who delivered and with 42 days of after delivery date.
- NCD List: All beneficiaries but CBAC Form access is not given
- NCD Eligible List: All Beneficiary both Male and Female whose age > = 30 years and excluding PW; with CBAC Form access
- NCD Priority List: Beneficiary age > = 30 years and CBAC assessment score is greater than 4
- NCD Non-Eligible List: Beneficiary age > = 30 years and CBAC assessment score is less or equals to 4
- Reproductive Age List: List of Women who are eligible for give birth/ ability to get pregnant /eligible for reproduction. I.e. Women belonging to age group of 15 – 49 years.