App is reserving 500 beneficiary IDs in the local database; these IDs are generated using an API (generateBeneficiaryIDs) based on the algorithm defined in AMRIT. Generation of beneficiary Ids happen while logging in to the app by passing a count in API (currently passing count 100 as static value). So, in the response we will get 100 beneficiary IDs and stores in the local database, which we will call as "reserved beneficiary IDs".
Online Beneficiary Registration: When a beneficiary is getting registered online then it takes "new beneficiary ID" and generates directly from the server. This doesn't take any ID from the reserved beneficiary ID.
Offline Beneficiary Registration: When a beneficiary is getting registered offline then it takes the "beneficiary ID" from the reserved beneficiary IDs and when app gets the network it gets replaced with online beneficiary ID and the online beneficiary ID gets replaced and saved in the mobile.
HHID Generation:
Household Id (HHID) is created based on the logic in the code. Logic of generating HHID is below:
Example: House Hold Id: 22012023072323539

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