Home Based New Born Care (HBNC) programme was launched aiming to reduce Neonatal mortality and morbidity rates especially in rural, remote areas where access to care is largely unavailable or located faraway.
Under this programme, ASHA to make visits to all newborns according to specified schedule up to first 42 days of life. This includes six visits in case of institutional deliveries and seven visits in case of home deliveries (1st Day) on 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42nd days after birth. Additional visits for babies who are pre-term, low birth weight or ill and SNCU discharged babies will be conducted.
ASHAs are being paid incentive of Rs. 250/- per newborn after completion of scheduled home visits.
During the visit, ASHA will do the following activities:
- Information and skills to the mother and family on how to do better care of newborn, on special care for low weight babies, on how to identify danger signs and promote exclusive breastfeeding and immunization
- Examining every newborn for prematurity and low birth weight, identification of illness, anything unusual in baby, provision of appropriate care at home, refer to ANM or nearest health facilities as defined in the protocols
- Follow up for sick newborns after they are discharged from facilities
- recording of weight of the newborn in Mother Child Protection (MCP) card
- ensuring BCG, 1st dose of OPV and DPT vaccination
- both the mother and the newborn are safe till 42 days of the delivery, and
- registration of birth has been done
- Counseling the mother on postpartum care, recognition of postpartum complications and enabling referral
- Counseling the mother for adoption of an appropriate family planning method
- Show this HBNC section only for beneficiaries whose Age is 0 to 42 Days and HBNC History records
- Once HBNC is selected, show below subsections (forms)
- HBNC Visit Card: contains Table - 1
- HBNC: Part – I: contains Table - 2
- HBNC: Part – 2: contains Table - 3
- HBNC: Home Visit Form contains Table – 4 for 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42nd days
- HBNC: Home Visit Form (Table - 4): should be common for all 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42nd days
- Add ASHA incentives of 250 per case for Providing HBNC up to 42 days after birth / discharge from SNCU
S. No |
Name of the Data Field |
Field Type |
Value/options |
Validation/ Logic/ Condition |
Mother-Newborn Home Visit Card |
1 |
ASHA's Name |
Auto populate form ASHA's profile |
2 |
Village Name |
3 |
Health Subcenter Name |
Textbox |
4 |
Block Name |
Textbox |
5 |
Mother's Name |
Textbox |
Auto populate form beneficiary details of this Child's Mother |
6 |
Father's Name |
Textbox |
Auto populate form beneficiary details of this Child's Mother |
7 |
Date of Delivery |
Calendar |
Auto populate form Mother's delivery details |
8 |
Place of Delivery |
Spinner |
Auto populate form Mother's delivery details |
9 |
Baby Gender |
Spinner |
Choose:MaleFemaleTransgender |
Auto populate form Infant Registration section |
10 |
Type of Delivery |
Spinner |
Choose from:
Auto populate form Mother's delivery details |
11 |
Still Birth |
Radio Button |
If "Yes" is selected here, then disable below all fields from S. No. 12 and Table – 2, 3 & 4 are Not Applicable (disable) |
12 |
Breast feeding Started |
Spinner |
Choose from:
13 |
Date of Discharge of Institutional Delivery |
Calendar |
14 |
Discharge Date of Mother |
Calendar |
15 |
Discharge Date of Baby |
Calendar |
16 |
Birth Weight (Kg) |
Custom Number Picker |
17 |
Birth Registration |
Spinner |
Choose:YesNo |
First Examination of New Born
(Examine one hour after the birth but in any case, within six hours from the birth. If ASHA is not present on the day of delivery. Fill this section on the day of visit & write the date of her visit)
Table: 2
S. No |
Name of the Data Field |
Field Type |
Value/options |
Validation/ Logic/ Condition |
Part – I |
1 |
Date of Home Visit |
Day1 (one hour after birth) |
2 |
Is the Baby alive? |
Radio Button |
If above field 'Still Birth' is "Yes", then select "No" |
3 |
Date and Time of Death |
Date and Time picker |
4 |
Place of Death |
5 |
Other Place of Death |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
6 |
Is the baby preterm? |
Radio Button |
7 |
How many weeks have been born |
Spinner |
Is conditionally Mandatory
8 |
Date of First examination |
Date and Time picker |
9 |
Is the Mother alive? |
Radio Button |
If "No", then note the Date, time and place of Death below. |
10 |
Date and Time of Death |
Date and Time picker |
11 |
Place of Death |
12 |
Other Place of Death |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
13 |
Does Mother have any problems |
Multi-select Spinner |
If yes, |
14 |
What was given as the first feed to Baby after birth? |
Spinner |
Choose from:
15 |
Other |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
16 |
At what time was the baby first breastfed? |
Time picker |
Alpha-numeric including special characters |
17 |
How did the baby take feed? |
Spinner |
Choose from:
Does the mother have breastfeeding problem? |
Radio Button |
Write the problem, if there is any problem in breast feeding, help the mother to overcome it |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Yes" |
Table: 3
S. No |
Name of the Data Field |
Field Type |
Value/options |
Validation/ Logic/ Condition |
1 |
Part 2: Baby first health check-up |
2 |
Date of Home Visit |
Show DOB |
3 |
Temperature of the baby |
Textbox |
4 |
Baby Eyes condition |
Spinner |
5 |
Is umbilical cord bleeding |
Spinner |
6 |
If yes, either ASHA, ANM/MPW or TBA can tie again with a clean thread. Action taken? |
Spinner |
7 |
Baby Weight |
8 |
Weighing matches with the colour? |
Spinner |
9 |
Color on scale |
Spinner |
Enter the Baby physical condition |
10 |
All limbs limp |
Spinner |
11 |
Feeding less/stop |
Spinner |
12 |
Cry weak/ stopped |
Spinner |
13 |
Routine Newborn Care: whether the task was performed |
Spinner |
14 |
Dry the baby |
Spinner |
15 |
Keep warm, do not bathe, wrap in cloth, keep closer to mother |
Spinner |
16 |
Initiate exclusive breast feeding |
Spinner |
17 |
Keep the cord clean and dry |
Spinner |
18 |
Anything unusual in baby? |
Spinner |
19 |
Other |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
HOME VISIT FORM - (Examination of Mother and New Born)
Use this questioner from 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 42nd days after birth.
Table: 4
S. No |
Name of the Data Field |
Field Type |
Value/options |
Validation/ Logic/ Condition |
Ask and Examine |
A. Ask Mother |
1 |
Date of ASHA's visit |
2 |
Is the baby alive? |
3 |
No. of times mothers takes a full meal in 24 hours |
Custom Number Picker |
If the mother does not eat full stomach or eat less than 4 times |
4 |
Bleeding: how many pads are changed in a day |
Custom Number Picker |
If more than 5 pads: |
5 |
During the winter season, is the baby kept warm? (Closer to the mother, dressed well and wrapped properly) |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
6 |
Is the baby being fed properly (whenever hungry or at least 7-8 times in 24 hours) |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
7 |
Is the baby crying incessantly or passing urine less than 6 times a day? |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
8 |
Temperature of Mother |
Textbox |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
9 |
Foul smelling discharge and fever more than 100°F (37.8°C). |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
10 |
Is mother speaking abnormally or having fits? |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
11 |
Mother has no milk since delivery or if perceives |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
12 |
Cracked nipples/painful and /or engorged breast |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
13 |
ASHA should wash hands with soap and water before touching the baby during each visit |
14 |
Are the eyes swollen or with pus? |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
Action taken by ASHA: show Alert: |
15 |
Baby Weight (Kg) |
Textbox |
show Alert: |
16 |
Temperature of Baby |
Textbox |
If the temperature is < 97 degree Fo then advice the mother to keep the baby warm by increasing the room temperature, providing skin to skin contact, putting the baby in a warm bag and frequently feeding the baby. |
17 |
Yellowness in the Eye/Palm/Sole/Skin (Jaundice) |
Spinner |
Choose from:YesNo |
18 |
Baby Immunization Status |
Multiselect Checkbox |
If for Day one is selected true, then auto populate for all remaining days |
D. Referral of Mother & Baby |
19 |
Baby referred for any reason? |
Radio button |
Choose from:YesNo |
if yes then write date, reason and place of referral |
20 |
Date of referral |
Date picker |
Show only above value is "Yes"
21 |
Place of referral |
Is conditionally Mandatory
Other Place of referral |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
Mother referred for any reason? |
Radio button |
if yes then write date, reason and place of referral |
Date of referral |
Date picker |
Show only above value is "Yes"
Place of referral |
Is conditionally Mandatory
Other Place of referral |
Textbox |
Show only above value is "Other" |
E. Check now for the following signs of sepsis: if the sign is present mention-Yes, if absent, mention-No |
All limbs limp |
Radio button |
Consider first three signs as criteria for diagnosing sepsis only if the sign was absent previously and then it newly developed. |
Feeding less/stopped |
Radio button |
Cry weak / stopped |
Radio button |
Distended abdomen or mother says baby vomits often |
Radio button |
Mother says the baby is 'cold to touch' or baby has fever with a temperature > 99 degree F0 (37.2 degree C) |
Radio button |
Chest in drawing |
Radio button |
Respiratory rate more than 60 per minute |
Radio button |
Pus on umbilicus |
Radio button |
For providing HBNC service up to 42 days after birth for a Baby |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
ASHA's Signature with Date |
Supervisor |
Spinner |
Supervisor's Name |
Textbox |
Alphabets only |
Supervisor remarks / Comments |
Multiline Textbox |
Alpha-numeric, special characters |
Supervisor's Signature with Date of |
Calendar |